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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Clash of Clans Gotta love 'em [HUMOR]

    Clash of Clans Gotta love 'em [HUMOR]

    Gotta love 'em [HUMOR]

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:48 AM PST

    [GOAL] I just hit legends on my th 7 using ground

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:53 AM PST

    [HUMOR] We all know that feeling

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:03 AM PST

    [Video] the helmets are to keep their massive brains from exploding out their heads.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:36 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Don't you agree?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PST

    [ART] Baaaad to the bone ���� Primal Queen Fan Art by てらららら (twitter.com/Teeeeeeras) ��

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Finally caught one.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PST

    [Goal] Finally maxed my Th10! Aside from heroes who I’m working on! This was such a long process but I can’t wait for Th11 and the eagle and electros ��

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PST

    [HUMOR] his power level is over 10,000 gobs

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:01 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Sweating intensifies

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:00 AM PST

    [HUMOR]. True

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:30 PM PST

    [GLITCH] Troops path-find around previous layout when moving to army camps.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:14 AM PST

    [Goal] made it to titan last night with 19 hours of continuous playing with a 2 hour break. It's the little things but It made me Hella excited, I'm not that good and previous record was hardly champion 3.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:57 AM PST

    [HUMOUR] Me as a th3

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:43 PM PST

    She just couldn't ignore the wall [RANT]

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PST

    [HUMOR] Pockets

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PST

    [BUILDER] Right before the builder base rework.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:26 PM PST

    [GLITCH] When your clash app turns portrait mode.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:51 PM PST

    [IDEA] INTRODUCING: Clan Network Feature

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PST

    [ENG] Introducing: Clan Networt Feature
    NOTE: My Englisch sucks a bit, hopefully you'll understand anything!
    oday I was thinking about a kind of "Clan Network", because yesterday I noticed again that sightly larger clans have many 2nd-clans, 3rd-clans and partner-clans. So I got the idea today why there shouldn't be a "Clan Network Feature"?
    What is a Clan Networt Feature?
    The Clan Network Future (CNF for short) enables you and your clan to create "clan group or clan network), it this named group are several clans combiend, but the Clan Leader has already the control inside their clans. This Group enables a new Clan-Overlay, which let's you follow to a serperate Window, where you can find more informations about the CNF. There is also the option to edit and kick out clans of the CFN. A new chat will be also opened, where the goal is for a new "global-chat".
    What are the advantages for CNF?
    - new big chat area
    - bigger clanwars between CNF's
    - new rewards
    - Clan Challenges among themselves in CNF
    - Kick/Bann members from the network
    - Current clan groups can be found easily
    - The better all-around picture
    How is the ranking system in the CNF?
    - Variant 1: 1) All Leader 2) All CO-Leader
    - Variant 2: 1) Specific Organizer 2) All Leader
    - Variant 3: 1) Main Clan 2) Leader inside the "MC" 3) Co-Leader inside the "MC"
    - Variant 4: 1) No Ranking system

    NOTE: This is my first draft and my first ideas about the CNF. Please give me Feedback! You can question me every time! Clash on!

    [DE] Einführung: Clan Netzwerk Funktion
    Heute habe ich mir Gedanken über eine Art "Clan Netzwerk", da mir am Vortag mal wieder aufgefallen ist, dass viele etwas größere Clans Zweit-Clans, Dritt-Clans oder Partner-Clan haben. Da kam mir heute die Idee, wieso sollte es keine "Clan Netzwerk Funktion" geben?
    Was ist überhaupt die Clan Netzwerk Funktion?
    Die Clan Netzwerk Funktion (kurz CNF) ermöglicht dir und deinem Clan eine "Clan Gruppe oder ein Clan Netzwerk" einzurichten, in dieser sogenannten Gruppe werden mehrere Clans zusammengeschlossen, d.h. die Kontrolle behalten jedoch immer noch die Anführer der verschiedenen Clan. Dieses Zusammenschließen ermöglicht eine Anzeige in der Clan-Übersicht, welches dich auf ein neues Fenster folgen lässt, um weitere Informationen über das jeweilige CNF zu bekommen. Außerdem wird ein neuer Chat eröffnet, wo bei das Ziel ist, dass es eine neue alternative zum entfernten Globalen Chat gibt.
    Welche Vorteile gibt bei der CNF?
    - ein neuer großer Chat (Ziel: Es soll immer einer Online sein, wie beim alten Global, jedoch wird es durch direkte CNF Organisation zu einem besseren Gesamtklima kommen.)
    - Große "Clankriege" zwischen CNFs
    - Neue Belohnungen
    - Clan Herausforderungen untereinander der Clan
    - Mitglieder aus dem CNF kicken/bannan
    - Zurzeit bestehende Clangruppen können einfacher gefunden werden
    - insgesamt ein besseres Gesamtbild
    Wie ist das Rangsystem im CNF?
    - Variante 1: 1) Alle Anführer 2) Alle Vize Anführer 3) Alle Ältesten 4) Alle Mitglieder
    - Variante 2: 1) Bestimmter Organisator 2) Alle Anführer --
    - Variante 3: 1) Der "Hauptclan" organisiert: 1) Anführer 2) Vize Anführer
    - Variante 4: gar kein Rangsystem

    Das ist der 1. Draft, so bitte gebt mir Feedback, ob auf Englisch oder Deutsch.
    Für Fragen bezüglich des Themas stehe ich jederzeit bereit! Clash on!

    submitted by /u/Janjiis
    [link] [comments]

    [ask] My research priority Dragon>golem>yeti>minion>SS> Blimp. What would be yours?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:31 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Frick

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:22 PM PST

    [EVENT] Going to be raising money while playing Clash to help out the kiddos! Stop by and watch, no need to donate, you will definitely see something funny!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PST

    [MISC]Rush recovery all troops where max per town hall rush

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:44 PM PST

    [AMA] I am playing this game more than 6 years and it’s funny to go through the past and find out nostalgic things. Today, I rejoined one of the clans that I created many years ago and found, that accounts who were inactive maybe for 5-6 years left the clan. I think that they got just deleted.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PST

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