• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Clash of Clans Rule and Flair changes for Personal Accomplishment and Strategic Discussion posts

    Clash of Clans Rule and Flair changes for Personal Accomplishment and Strategic Discussion posts

    Rule and Flair changes for Personal Accomplishment and Strategic Discussion posts

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    After a simple vote, and many, many, many, user prompted discussions as well as mod debate, we've decided to make changes to the Personal Accomplishment and Strategic Discussion flairs.

    Starting today, we are banning "common game milestones" under Rule 7. This will pretty much only affect Personal Accomplishment posts, and it will affect a lot of them.

    Common game milestones will include, but not be limited to:

    • Maxing TH/BH levels, heroes/pets, walls etc.
    • Reaching new TH/BH levels
    • Climbing in trophy leagues
    • Clans promoting in CWL
    • Reaching new clan levels
    • Unlocking O.T.T.O.

    We understand that Clash can be a real grind, and reaching some of these milestones can take months, even years. Those accomplishments are worth celebrating. Share them with your clanmates, friends, and family. However, those types of posts don't tend to generate much discussion and can often be viewed as simple bragging.

    Any post removed under this new rule will be linked to a brief guide on resubmitting that content in a form more likely to bring value to the community. You can read that here, but in short, we'd like you to rework those posts into guides or discussions that will help others reach those same milestones. You've learned a lot about Clash of Clans along the way, please share those lessons! We also encourage everyone else to engage with those discussions, thank, and congratulate the OPs in them as well.

    "So what IS allowed under Personal Accomplishment flair?" Excellent question. There are plenty of examples of users doing and achieving amazing things in this game, beyond standard progression. Those kinds of posts are still welcome. If you aren't sure, ask yourself if you did or achieved anything special, different, or unique. If the answer is no, that post probably isn't allowed. But if you still aren't sure you can always send us a mod mail and ask. Here are some examples of great accomplishments and types of posts we still want to see.

    This player who never attacks

    Reaching top tier global rankings

    Non-gameplay related accomplishments

    A clan that reached the leaderboards farming loot

    Very Low TH trophy pushing

    "Now wait a minute that last one is about reaching legends league and you said that wasn't allowed" - Another great question. Only the sith deal in absolutes, and there's certainly going to be exceptions to the above listed rules. We're not going to draw hard lines about those cases, and we'll just have to use our own judgement about these kinds of things. If you have a post removed that you feel should be a special exemption, please respond to the mod who removed it in the comments or send us a mod mail and politely make your case. We'll hear you out, and we'll be fair.

    Also, Strategic Discussion flair will be shortened to "Strategy" and will now explicitly allow How Would You Attack (HWYA) and base review type posts. Originally we intended to have those flaired as Questions but pretty much no one has been doing that, so we give up. The community wants to use that flair to ask about strategies on specific bases, so that's what it is now. Discussions on broader topics are still allowed under that flair. This is the way the sub has been operating anyway for months now. We knew it was a losing battle pretty early, now its just official.

    submitted by /u/CongressmanCoolRick
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    Am I trippin’ or wasn’t the Lab 4x4 before?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    [SUPERCELL MAKE] The Creepy Stay environment

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    How about adding current opponent score with timer?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    Supercell Make | The Haunted Village Submission | The Spectral Plains | Welcome to any feedback :)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Anyone Else Noticed This ?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    Anyone know what this is?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    I want to remove all the inactive players, but I don't know who if they are or not.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Finally passed 5000 trophies, I remember struggling to get the achievement for 3000 trophies!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    Should I primarily grind to get 6th builder or take some time to upgrade defences/traps

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    Anyone know what's happening?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    How to fix your rush(for town halls 7-14)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT


    This guide will be split into 2 parts. One for town hall 7-10, and one for th11-14. If you are th2-6, it's hard to be badly rushed and the the guide would just be to upgrade.

    If you really are th2-6 and want to fix your rush for some reason, read over the th7-10 part and take out all the dark elixer parts.

    The only difference is farming strategies, core concepts stay the same.


    This is a guide for those who want to fix a rush. All too common do I see people on reddit saying "How to fix?" And "How can I come back from this mistake?"

    Its just all too common, so I wanted to make a guide to help so I don't see as much.

    What most people say is just, " Upgrade everything except your town hall."

    While that's true and it does work, you need to know what to upgrade for maximum efficiency because some upgrades are more important than others.

    Some information before we begin

    First, it's not a big big mistake. With a few upgrades, you can gain loot at a higher speed than if you had maxed.

    Second, it's going to take time. Don't expect to be unrushed within the first month or so. Depending on which town hall you are, it might even take a month just to get started.


    For th7-10

    So before we begin starting to fix the rush, we need a good farming strategy. A farming strategy is different from a war strategy.

    Farming strategies are cheap so you can maximize loot gain. There are multiple strategies, but the one I recommend for th7-10 is Barch.

    Barch is cheap, fast, and easy to get the one star.

    Army comps:

    Below 200: Have 10 wall breaker and about 15-20 more archers than barbarians. 200 army space: 80 barbarians, 100 archers, 10 wall breakers. 220 army space: 90 barbarians, 110 archers, 10 wall breakers. 240 army space: 100 barbarians, 120 archers, 10 wall breakers.

    The reason for the extra archers is to pick off outside buildings to get some extra percentage before you actually "start" the attack.

    How to use? Place a row of barbarians, and then a row of archers behind it. Repeat this on all sides of the base. Where there are storages, place wall breakers so the barbarians and archers can get into that compartment.

    If you have your heroes, deploy them after a while in the raid to help get that one star.

    Which bases to attack? Find a base with full collectors(a dead base.) For th7-8, try to find ones with 500000 of each gold and elixer and 3000 dark elixer. For th9-10, do the same but try to find 5000 dark elixer.

    Now that we have the farming strategy covered, time to get onto the actual fixing part.

    First, you have to decide what type of player you are. If you are online regularly, put step one first. If you are not online much, put step three first, then start from step one.


    Step one: Max your barch if you haven't already. Do barbs, archers, barbs, archer, instead of doing barbs to max then archers to max. Then max wall breakers.

    If you don't have high enough level troops, attack goblin maps(as they have relatively good loot and no loot penalty.)

    Move onto step two while doing step one.

    Step two: using barch, upgrade army buildings. Priority: army camps --> spell factory --> dark spell factory(if you have it)--> barracks --> dark barracks.

    Dump all your gold into walls, as all the above costs elixer. Upgrade heroes if you farm up the dark elixer while doing these.

    Step three: using barch, start on the resource buildings. Priority: Dark elixer storage, gold and elixer storages, dark elixer drills, collectors.

    Step four: keep heroes upgrading while doing defenses. If you are th9-10, dump elixer into walls as all the defenses cost gold. If you are th7-8, walls are pretty cheap so you can upgrade a few walls in between defenses. This should be the biggest part of fixing your rush, so it will take some time.

    Some extra stuff

    Keep lab upgrading, even after step one. Firstly, upgrade all the troops and spells you use, such as war armies. Then just upgrade in whatever sequence you like.

    If you are good at farming, you should be able to keep up with the lab upgrade while doing wall upgrades too.

    For th11-14

    This is almost the same as the th7-10 part, besides the farming strategy and some key upgrades.

    Farming strategy: Sneaky goblins.

    On how to use them, I am too lazy and so have linked not one, but two guides on how to use them.

    First one is https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/jyjq1s/guide_an_advance_farming_guide_to_fill_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Go to the th11, 12, and 13 part.

    Second one is https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/ncpj1u/sunnys_comprehensive_farming_guide_easily_take/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Go to the sgobs part.

    The army recommend is 4-5 super wall breakers(or equivalent regular wall breakers if you don't have super wall breakers) and the rest sneaky goblins. Being 1-2 housing space short is perfectly fine, you can usually complete a sneaky goblin raid and still have troops left over, even with a non-full army.

    For spells(with 11 spell space) 3 jump, 1 rage, 2 haste and one invis. You might want to use 2 rage if you use 5 super wall breakers, but it's all personal preference.

    So, onto fixing the rush.

    First, you have to decide what type of player you are. If you are online regularly, put step one first. If you are not online much, put step three first, then start from step one.

    Step one: Max your sneaky goblin army, so you can actually use them.. My suggested sequence of upgrades is: Sneaky goblins to max --> wall breakers to max --> jump spells to max --> rage spells to max --> haste spells to max --> invisibility spells to max.

    You can still use sneaky goblins when you haven't maxed all of these, all you really need is sneaky goblins, super wall breakers and jump spells.

    If you have too much trouble sniping town halls because your troops aren't high enough level, you can do one of 2 things:

    1. try requesting a blimp full of sneaky goblins from your clanmates and using that.

    2. Attacking goblins maps and getting the loot from that(good loot, really easy.)

    Move onto step 2 while doing step one.

    Step two: using barch, upgrade army buildings. Priority: spell factory --> army camps --> dark spell factory --> clan castle -->barracks --> dark barracks.

    Dump all your gold into walls, as all the above costs elixer. Upgrade heroes if you farm up the dark elixer while doing these.

    Step three: using sneaky goblins, start on the resource buildings. Priority: Dark elixer storage, gold and elixer storages, dark elixer drills, collectors.

    Step four: keep heroes upgrading while doing defenses. Dump elixer into walls as all the defenses cost gold. This should be the biggest part of fixing your rush, so it will take some time. Don't quit!

    Extra stuff

    I suggest prioritizing grand warden because he can help out in farming more than the other heroes can, with the ability.

    Keep lab upgrading at all times! Important troops which you use first, such as war armies.

    Farming with sneaky goblins is so effortless so as long as you can attack 3-4 times a day, you will be able to keep up with wall elixer upgrades while you do the lab.


    Thanks for reading the guide, I hope this helped you fix your rush.

    Credit to u/DQ4443 and u/M4AZ for writing those amazing sneaky goblin guides.

    submitted by /u/Warm-Ad5229
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    Thanks, I hate progress bases

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Christmas Trees

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Never seen a layout like this. Kinda weird, but it made me take a screenshot...

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:40 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    67% Sui into Rocket Loon Triple in Legends. I asked for advice a few days ago on this subreddit for this attack and made adjustments.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    War, haven’t done war in a long time what army should I use to?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Supercell Make | Trick or Treat Scenery | Any Suggestions?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    This has to be a joke

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    i know it is an obstacle but still what a steal!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    I never noticed that the “research” button goes away when you fully max out the lab… I guess this is the first time I’ve done it

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    In my 6 months back on this game, this is the first time I see offers in the builder hall part of the game.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:31 AM PDT

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