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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Clash of Clans r/ClashOfClans is powering up! Reddit Powerups Announcement

    Clash of Clans r/ClashOfClans is powering up! Reddit Powerups Announcement

    r/ClashOfClans is powering up! Reddit Powerups Announcement

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:03 AM PDT

    r/ClashOfClans is powering up! Reddit Powerups Announcement

    Hey chiefs,

    Some of you may have already noticed that we have opted in for Reddit's new "Powerups" feature, which can be seen as a widget on the sidebar.


    Now what does this new feature do you may ask.

    Essentially, for those familiar it is very similar to boosting a server on discord, whereby if enough users "boost" or in this case "purchase powerups", the entire community will get to reap the rewards.

    What perks will we get from powering up the sub?

    To gain the perks for the whole community, the magic number of 25 needs to be reached. However, those who purchase a boost before that threshold is reached get to enjoy the perks immediately! They are as followed:

    • GIF Replies
    • Custom emojis (we will be adding some in due course, reddit emojis also available)
    • Achievements (e.g top karma, top awarded)
    • HD video
    • And according to Reddit, more to come...

    Do I need to powerup?

    No, not at all. Powering up the sub is entirely voluntary, as it is paid. However, those who do get to appear on the list in the sidebar, a fancy achievement flair and most importantly, eternal love from the community.

    Feel free to ask any questions you might have, and we look forward to trying this out. Clash on!

    submitted by /u/GingerbreadRecon
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    Titan’s 2 with level 1 barch only. 600 more for legends

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    Birthday Cake

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Should I lower my ranking ? It is getting difficult to farm I got to masters for the 1000 gems to get 5th builder my troops are super rushed

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Having great teammates makes all the difference in the world. We go to war together and celebrate personal accomplishments together. Personally I wouldn’t play without a supportive bunch of teammates. Do you guys praise each other too?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    tripling a max th12 as a th11 (incredible blizzard value)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    my first attempt of drawing the wallbreaker

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    A Lazy Leader’s Guide to Clan Management

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    A Lazy Leader's Guide to Clan Management

    I'm a lazy leader. This is how I manage my clan.

    About me

    I've been playing Clash of Clans for seven years. My main account has been fully maxed at every town hall level since 10. I have over 20 other accounts.

    About this guide

    At the start of the pandemic, I started a new clan with a bunch of my alts. Today that clan is level 10. This is a guide to how I managed the clan (lazily).

    It is probably not the easiest way nor the best way to run a clan, but this is how I do it by myself without it consuming every waking hour.


    I started with over 10 accounts. I recommend at least 5. The clan was open to anyone TH 6 and over, but I eventually added a 2000 trophy requirement to keep out spammers and players so new that they didn't know what a war is.

    The clan rules are in the clan description. There aren't many because I'm too lazy to enforce many.


    • If you don't attack in war, you'll be kicked.
    • Opt in or out for war on your profile.
    • If you don't contribute to clan games, you'll be kicked.
    • Be nice, have fun.

    The rules are designed to remove inactives. If someone wants to join back after a kick, fine. It proves they're active after all. Note, the activity requirement is pretty low. Someone can opt out of war and do nothing but one clan games challenge every month.

    General communication

    When I kick someone, I say why both in the message to them and in the clan chat after the kick. That's almost always either "did not attack in war" or "zero points in clan games."

    Likewise, if I promote or demote someone, I say why in the clan chat.

    I don't use clan mail. I get enough damn notifications.

    I don't talk much in the clan chat, aside from the announcements described here.

    When people ask about being in war, I have a stock answer: "Everyone is welcome in war. Opt in or out on your profile."

    If anyone complains about another's poor attacks, I tell them we emphasize participation over performance. I think this is important to the clan's success. I want active players, so I don't demand any more than mere activity. The ones who show up are the good ones.


    I only used the built-in recruiting tool. Hardly anyone I invited would join, but others would join. When you use the tool, it seems that Supercell flags your clan as one looking for recruits and presents it to people looking for a clan.


    I am too lazy to enforce a donation requirement. I have a TH 13 donor account that I visit many times per day to fill requests. Its queue is full of all the things people request most often, so I have them available right away. Then I queue them up again after donating.

    Clan wars

    When the clan was new, I ran wars by myself with all alts. I did all the attacks, and I won pretty often. The first few people who joined saw a clan that was active and winning wars.

    I run wars back to back that start approximately when I wake up in the morning. I put in everyone who's opted in plus as many of my alts as needed to round out the roster.

    I fill all the castles with dragons from a TH 10 account.

    Lazy war management

    On the start of battle day, every time, I announce: "It's battle day. Please attack your mirror. If you want to attack someone else's mirror, wait for them to attack first, or wait for the 12 hour mark." I don't enforce this rule, but I do back up any member who gripes about someone else taking their mirror.

    The idea is that everyone gets a chance at their own mirror, and after 12 hours, they've had a chance. After that, everyone can go anywhere they want. No coordination is necessary, but players are welcome to trade targets by talking to each other.

    I do my own first attacks ASAP, to set an example. My second attacks are usually where we haven't scored any stars because I want the clan to gain XP.

    Lazy rule enforcement

    At the end of the war, I look for anyone who didn't attack. If they are elder, I demote them. Members who didn't attack get kicked.

    If a member attacked their mirror and got three stars, I promote them to elder and announce in the chat: three starred your mirror.

    After rule enforcement, I start the next war.


    I close the clan during CWL, usually starting at the end of clan games.

    I look at recent wars to decide whether to do 15v15 or 30v30. If I have more players opted in than slots, I give preference to elders.

    Once I've set the initial lineup, I'll announce in chat: "the initial lineup for CWL is set. If you want in or out, speak up in chat."

    During the week of wars, I'll keep an eye on the standings and our opponents to give tips to the team such as, "today's war is against the number one in our group."

    I don't kick people who miss attacks, but I do remove them from the lineup. I add either my alt or someone who opted in when there was no room.

    For medal bonuses, I go down the list of top scorers. I skip my own accounts or anyone who didn't do all their attacks. Everyone who did 7/7 attacks gets elder.

    Clan games

    When the clan was new, I would grind out a lot of points on alts to make it look active. As the clan grew, we would unlock all the rewards. Anymore, I don't have to do very much myself.

    When we unlock all the reward tiers, I'll announce in the chat something like: "We've unlocked all the reward tiers. Finish just one challenge to collect a reward from every tier. Score 2000 points for a promotion to elder. Score 4000 points to collect an extra reward. Score zero points for a demotion to former member."

    I'll do promotions during clan games, but kicks have to come last. Finding who got zero is the hardest of my lazy rules to enforce.


    My alts are not obviously alts. They don't have names like "main 2" and "main 3" and so on. They all have a different war base but the same farming base.

    The only alts I make co-leader are the ones I use to donate to war castles, so they can delete mistakes. The rest of them get elder-or-not like a normal player.

    I do all my "official" leader actions through the one account that's leader, and I nearly always talk through that account too.

    In short, I do not make it obvious that one guy has a dozen accounts in this clan.

    After the end of the season, I visit every account and do a quick hero deploy trophy drop just to get placed in a league--so they look active.


    An obnoxious player who annoys me in chat almost certainly annoys others. I kick them.

    I don't tell people how to play, but I answer questions from those who ask for help.

    I started with a lot of accounts, but I moved them out as the clan filled. I now have a small handful, for padding out the war roster.

    Lazy reader's guide to lazy leader's guide

    • Look like an active clan from the start.
    • Run a donor account for the clan.
    • Run back to back wars.
    • Kick inactive players.
    • Reward participation.
    • Communicate.
    submitted by /u/kyleha
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    Why did he lighting the AD?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    After 4 months of non-stop grind, got this bad boy!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    It’s almost as if they knew which Clan Games challenge I just started...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I just woke up to this -2,500 gems

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Such a satisfying way to hit TH12

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    I guess the archers on my archer tower quit their jobs

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    My Submission For "The Haunted Village" - Spooky Valley | I'm welcome to any feedback or questions

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Finally got all my walls to 11 and upgraded my TH.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    How long has this been a thing??

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I’m new to th 10 and I’m in masters league III. I only got there for the gems. I almost only get opponents that are high th 11 or th 12. It is pretty hard to 3 star which means I don’t get as much loot. Should I drop in trophies and if so where should I farm? (What league)?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    I stopped playing for about, almost 2 years at Th10. Th11 maxed and now Th 12 coming up!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Clan Games Issue?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Finally ready for th11!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Rushing to th11

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Hey, I am midway through th10. My offense is pretty much maxed but my defense is nowhere near done. I am in champs and I only get matched up with th11s. I heavily struggle with attacking them due to the ea. In war, I often am matched up with a th11 anyway so it wouldn't really affect me in war either. On defense, I usually get 2 starred (I have no problems with this). My question: Should I upgrade to th11 or stay at th10. Also, does anyone have any suggestions if I decide to stay at th10. Many thanks.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/justfid
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    Will there be a feature that block players used to be in the clan? This guy keep spamming texts for an hour now.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    This is what pure bliss for the Battle Machine looks like.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

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