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    Clash of Clans [GUIDE] Common Attack Strategy Guides for TH10-12, and Mismatch Attack Strategies

    Clash of Clans [GUIDE] Common Attack Strategy Guides for TH10-12, and Mismatch Attack Strategies

    [GUIDE] Common Attack Strategy Guides for TH10-12, and Mismatch Attack Strategies

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:44 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm a Clash Advisor (basically someone who helps out people with clash related stuff, like HWYAs and HIMBs) in a popular clash discord server led by Kenny Jo, and together with the rest of the advisor team, we came up with discord bot commands that share steps to common attacks to the people, instead of us having to copy paste them to you everytime. I thought it would be nice to share some here, and help out the community a bit.

    TL;DR - This post contains short guides for 4 strategies:

    1) Zap Witches at th11- Spammy, easy, almost always triples, is also fun to use, and recommended to newbies

    2) Icey 5 - Ice Golems, Bowlers, Witches, Bats, simple concept, similar skill to other bat attacks, spam bats, freeze WTs and splash, incredibly effective and amazing fun to use when it works right

    3) QC Hybrid - Most used strat in the current meta, easy to use, non base dependent, consists of hogs and miners as the main force, with a QC to get initial value. Incredibly effective

    4) QC BBd - This is a mismatch 2 star strategy, incredibly effective because of the straightforwardness of this attack, just send a blimp and QC with baby drags around the base. Simple but efficient, almost always gets a high 2*

    Now, to the actual guides themselves

    So, the first one i made was a short guide on th11 zap witches, which is really common, and can easily take down most bases, without too much of a plan.

    TH11 Zap Witches Army Composition

    3 Golems, 14 witches, 1 minion, 8 zaps, 2 quakes 1 poison CC - WW/LL with bowlers and Jump/Rage (depending on base)


    This is mainly used on multi inferno bases, when infernos either have their own comp, or have great zap value around.

    Strategy 1. Zap each multi inferno with 4 zaps and a quake. Try and get as much zap value around it too. 2. Form a bit of a funnel. You're trying to go off a line with zap witches, something like 6 to 9, or 3 to 6. In that case, you'll need a golem and 2 witches at either corner. 3. Then add the last golem, the rest of the witches, the WW/LL, and the heroes in the middle. 4. Use your jump to open up the base, or use your rage to get through a high DPS area. 5. Sit and watch as your witches get the triple for you :)

    I really like this strategy, because while it might be spammy, it's really, really effective, and will almost always guarantee you the triple. It's also one of the easiest strategies out there to learn that actually work, so I recommend this to most new th11s that don't have a clue how to triple

    The next one is an Icey 4/5 guide for th11 and 12. Ice Golems, Bowlers, Witches, and Bats are amazing together on bases with single infernos, and to some extent, bases with multis. This is still quite spammy, but it's amazingly reliable, and not as low skill as something like zap witches.

    Icey 4/5

    Army Composition

    This varies by preference and TH Level TH11 Icey 4- 4 Ice Golems, 8 Witches, 10 bowlers, 1 edrag, 1 loon, Cleanup, 4 bats, 4 freeze, 1 poison, 1 rage CC- WW/LL with Bowlers and 2 max bats

    TH11 Icey 5- 5 Ice Golems, 8 Witches, 8 bowlers, 1 pekka, cleanup, 4 bats, 4 freeze, 1 poison, 1 rage CC- WW/LL with Bowlers and 2 max bats

    TH12 Icey 5- 5 Ice Golems, 8 witches, 10 bowlers, 1 edrag, 1 loon, cleanup, 6 bats, 2 freeze, 1 rage, 1 poison CC- WW/LL with Bowlers and 2 max freeze


    Mainly used on bases with singles, although it works on multis too. Your primary targets with your BoWitch part are the multis (if there are singles you can ignore), the eagle, and CC. You'll also want to get as many WTs as possible, and hopefully get the queen, to make it as easy for the bats as possible. You need to have good freeze timing too.

    Note- If you're attacking a th12, the Townhall weapon falls under primary targets, it's a pain for bats and you defo want it down

    Strategy 1) Pick the side that you're going in from, so that you get most of the value listed above 2) Deploy your pekka/edrag on one side to funnel (with coco loon for edrag) and your king followed by a bowler on the other side. 3) Place your Ice Golems, spread them out in a line, behind the middle one, place your siege and your queen and warden 4) Spread your witches and bowlers behind the ice golems 5) Rage the army in the core in a high DPS area, and use the warden ability to block eagle shots onto troops 6) Send your bats in from an edge of the base, make sure to freeze any splash damage 7) Enjoy your triple :)

    The next one we made is a QC Hybrid. Hybrid is one of the most popular strats in the current meta, and it's survived for a long time, compared to other 'meta' strats. It's also a very effective and non base dependent attack, which makes it almost the perfect war army to target for any new TH

    QC Hybrid

    Army Composition

    TH 10 - 5 healers, 1 baby dragon, 5 wall breaker, 14 miners, 13 Hogs, 2 Rage, 3 Heal, 1 Freeze, 1 Poison ( CC ), Siege Barracks with high level Hogs inside.

    Note: You can carry 4 healers instead of 5 depending on the base and how much far the queen has to travel.

    TH 11- 5 healers, 2 baby dragons, 2 SWB, 13 hogs, 13 miners, cleanup, 2 rage, 2/3 heals, 2 freeze*, 1 poison CC- Siege Barracks with High Level Hogs and Heal

    Note: If you're charging your queen into a single, take the 2 freezes. If both the infernos are multi, drop the freeze and take an extra heal.


    This strategy does require decent queen walking skills and Siege Barracks. All heroes are required. This Strategy works well against both Singles and Multis. You also need to take care of the spell placement, either for the queen or the hybrid.


    1) Identify where the enemy queen and CC are. The closer they are the easier your attack will be. - Your Main Target is the Enemy CC and the Queen. You can also setup a pathing for your Hybrid. 2) Start your queen walk, drop a coco loon to check for air mines and then drop your healers. Deploy your baby dragons to funnel the queen, deploy a test wall breaker (or an SWB) and once the path is clear deploy the rest. 3) Focus on your queen, Rage her up each time she's under heavy fire try to save her ability. You need to have one rage for the enemy CC. Once the CC is out Poison them and rage the queen. 4) While the queen is dealing with the enemy CC, drop your siege barracks on the opposite side to set a straight path towards the centre. 5) Avoid dropping the siege barracks too close to a defence. Assist them with your King. 6) Once the funnel is done around 1:45 SEC left on the clock, start your hybrid. Miners and then your Hogs (Warden Ground). 7) Select your heals and be ready to drop them on top of your Hybrid near splash damage or potential giant bomb locations. 8) Enjoy your triple :)

    The last one we've made (so far) is the popular and effective mismatch strategy, QC Baby Dragons. This was heavily needed as we get so many people asking us how to triple mismatch situations such as 11v13 or 10v12, and explaining to them that a three star is impossible and how to get a 2 star was getting tedious every CWL.

    Queen Charge Baby Dragons Army Composition

    This varies by TH level, and the TH level you're up against. TH10- 5 healers, 14 BBd, 2 loons, 5 WB, 3 rage, 1 jump, 3 freeze. CC- Blimp, Sneaky Gobs, Poison. TH11- 5 healers, 16 BBd, 2 loons, 5 WB, 3 rage, 4 freeze, 1 poison. CC- Blimp, Sneaky Gobs, Jump. TH12- 5 healers, 17 BBd, 3 loons, 1 SWB, 3 rage, 4 freeze, 1 poison. CC- Blimp, 7 sneaky gobs, one yeti, Jump.


    This attack strategy is mainly used in mismatch situations, where you are hitting a townhall level higher than you and are aiming for a High % 2 star.

    Strategy 1. Deploy a coco loon, and your blimp as close to the TH as possible. If the TH is deep in the core, you'll have to protect your blimp with the warden ability. 2. Rage the sneaky gobs when they come out of the blimp, make sure they get the TH. 3. This step depends on the success of your blimp

    If the blimp fails

    • Charge your queen into the Town Hall, with your Jump and WBs, and hope that she gets it

    if the blimp gets the Town Hall

    • Charge your queen into the eagle and ADs to get them down
    • Use your baby dragons around the base to get buildings and get the 50%
    • Enjoy your mismatch two star! :)

    This strategy is only effective for getting 2 stars, but you really do get high % two stars if executed right, whereas if you go for a three star strat, you risk a 1 star or a low 2 star. This is why i like this, it's a set plan for you, and not hard to execute at all.

    If you read to the end, thanks for reading! I really appreciate it if you did, and i hope you'll continue to read more of these guides when we make more of them. Since most of the requests of help we get are from Th11s, these guides are mainly th11 centric, but we are surely working on similar guides for higher THs.

    Hope you all have a good day, and i hope i haven't wasted 5 minutes of your day :)

    • Bonecrusher#0001 on discord if you need it, thanks :)
    submitted by /u/rishi_55
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    [VIDEO] So basically that guy just threw his attack by swagging his last spell. (Dont experiment with invisibility kids, it might go horribly wrong!)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:49 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:47 AM PST

    [VIDEO] [GLITCH] Back then,Healers can heal buildings. And then when I was attack testing,I realized that the Healers could still Indirectly heal buildings and that there only ability to go and heal the buildings were removed. (Just found that out today)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:27 PM PST

    [GOAL] To the guy that saved up 11k gems without a penny spent in 6 years: I present you 48k gems without a penny spent in ~5 years!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:23 PM PST

    [IDEAS] Clash Royale has 2v2 mode, do y'all think supercell should add similar feature where players can conjoin their bases and other players can attack on those bases together? LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:40 AM PST

    [MISC] my friends and I are trying to revive our old clan and look at when the last war was

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:06 AM PST

    [GLITCH] Is this normal for the master builder? Time for yoga?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:00 AM PST

    [Goal] Legend league with only sneaky goblins! (super rushed th12 lmaoo)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    [GOAL] Probably not unique, but i got my 'Treasurer' achievement to 1B.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:35 AM PST

    [Misc] uhh... Wow

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:26 AM PST

    [Goal] Finally made it to legends as a TownHall 10

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:58 PM PST

    [GOAL] 1000 war stars

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:56 AM PST

    [MISC] No not the wall

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    [MISC] I finally reached max th9!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:03 PM PST

    [ASK] So what's the consensus on super troops?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Came back to the game last month, I stopped playing late 2019 and didn't touch the game at all during 2020, I came back to my old clan and whenever I spectate them during wars, I see that super troops are extremely powerful defending, like, almost unfair to me, specially the super minion.

    Is there a consensus on them? I'm still upgrading my TH10 walls before I upgrade to TH11, so I haven't tried them, but from what I've seen from war defenses they seem insane.

    submitted by /u/Kizuxtheo
    [link] [comments]

    [GOAL] started playing this game in the July of 2017 and had so many on and offs but finally today I hit 5000 trophies without spending any money on the game. I know I'm th12 and late but still my happiness is off the charts.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    [GOAL] Finally Unlocked 5th Builder at TH8 without spending a Penny...Also Reached Crystal II...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:16 PM PST

    [VIDEO] Nice start to my CWL! Eagle kills whist missing them by 10 tiles

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    [Goal] Maxed out my 2nd Account as it was a th8. Welcome to new beginnings. Hopefully I’ll have my main acc (th9) going to 10 soon!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:46 PM PST

    [IDEA] Gold pass

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:35 PM PST

    Can we somehow buy gold pass to someone? Wouldn't it be great thing? Who likes this idea?

    submitted by /u/Manonemo
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    [MISC] I was searching for Dark Elixir storages that are out of the base, and attacked it with my heroes, i did dropped 600 trophies, but farmed over 150k Dark Elixir in under an hour... What do you think?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    [MISC] Do you guys have stupid scores? or silly achievements (or goals)? Share them here!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:16 AM PST

    I always do weird stuff as some kind of a silly achievement, especially in Clash of Clans.

    One of my stupid achievements is having an untouched gem box since 2014.

    Before Obstacles Shovel was added to the game, the only thing you can do about an obstacle is either keep it or remove it, no matter where it spawns. (Imagine the pain of them spawning in the middle of the base..)

    One day, I got that one perfect gem box that spawned in the perfect spot.. it looked like a decoration and it was placed PERFECTLY.

    I resisted removing it for the gems since I'll never know if I'll get it to spawn in that location ever again (apparently some people have come up with cheesy ways to do it recently.. I don't know if that was possible back then)

    Anyway.. I kept it there till this day.. (Wasting around 4500 worth of gems)

    And now, Even though I can remove it and put one there later (using a shovel), I still didn't remove it or move it. I feel like I'd "ruin a high score" or whatever.. it's so silly and stupid lol

    So what do you guys have as stupid achievements? Share them with us :)

    submitted by /u/TomatoAcid
    [link] [comments]

    Can someone pls help me out with this [MISC]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:47 AM PST

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