• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Clash of Clans [MISC] found this on a raid today. Guy has the eagle hidden in the forest lol.

    Clash of Clans [MISC] found this on a raid today. Guy has the eagle hidden in the forest lol.

    [MISC] found this on a raid today. Guy has the eagle hidden in the forest lol.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:31 AM PST

    [HUMOR] And that's facts

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    10 years service medal [Goal]

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    I was wondering if COC would make a 10 or 5 years medals for the old players, That would be really cool.

    submitted by /u/Cantyou
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    [MISC] After playing clash of clans for years I finally got 1k stars in clan war

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    [goal] Exactly 1.5 k War stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:42 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Enough to make a grown man cry

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:20 PM PST

    [GUIDE] Kook's guide to ascending builder base

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    The first thing everyone needs to understand about Builder Base is that we're in a rush meta for -everyone-. As long as your goal is to reach either Otto or full-max at a reasonable pace, you want to rush.

    Why rush?

    The primary reason to rush in Builder Base is a fact unique to that village: it's loot-gated. More loot, faster progression, it's that simple. So your goal should be to maximize your loot-gain as much as possible, even over trophies. Sacrificing trophies for more net loot is worth it, or even staying at the same trophy-count and gaining more net loot is worth it. And collectors are your #1 source of loot increases.

    The second most notable reason to rush is that at equal skill, it's impossible for a maxing player to beat a player following this guide in a duel past the early stages, assuming they're the same "age" of bases.(I.e., 2 months of constant playing). This means that the rusher player will always be of a higher trophy count than a max player.

    Builder Hall 1-3

    The simple days. Max Barbarians, as you don't have many options at this point. Sneaky archers suck to play, and I don't think Minions or Giants make good mono-troops at this point. Get your collectors, storages, army camps done, and try to get as many levels of your builder-barracks as possible. When spending gold on defenses, make sure you prioritize leveling a double cannon and archer tower fully. It's a surprise tool that will help us later. As soon as collectors, Barbarian, and Builder Barracks are maxed, look to go up to the next BH. For tactics, either learn how to fight crushers, or just avoid them. You can often get 80+% of the base without ever attacking one, if you play it right.

    Builder Hall 4

    Time for a new troop. Baby Dragons unlock at BH4, and are probably the best compromise between cheap and effective as a single-max troop. Witches are far more expensive at this point, and Barbarians struggle into Lava Launchers later. Minions also struggle without Dropships into Air Bombs or Roasters. First thing's first, max out builder barracks and Lab as fast as possible so you can research Baby Dragons. Don't bother researching Barbarians, you won't be using them again until your post-Otto days. You get Clock Tower at BH4, and you should treat it as a Collector, priority-wise. Having a maxed out clock tower makes your play-sessions smoother and speeds up your actual collectors, and as such, is worth maxing. Also, get that one double cannon to level 4 as your first defense upgrade, unlocking your first gearup! Surprise!(this isn't the surprise you're looking for, move along)

    Once Baby Dragons are level 6+, start using them. Drop one on roughly every second building, trying to maximize the number of raged baby dragons on the field at the same time. It's not great if they double-up, but also not the end of the world, usually. Try to engage Air Bomb by first drawing it's aggro to a Baby Dragon attacking something else, and then sending a Baby to kill it while the defense is distracted. This Bait&Switch will also work on the Giga Tesla and Roaster later on.

    Builder Hall 5-8

    Nothing too interesting happens at these BHs. Just keep upgrading the bare minimum and moving on. You can stop prioritizing the Double Cannon now, and at BH6, the Archer Tower. You'll get the Multi-mortar and Giga Tesla along the way, and those are both priorities to get to level 8. You unlock Battle Machine at BH5, and it's worth leveling it to 5, but after that, it's a low-priority upgrade, just slightly better than unlocking/researching cannon carts. Tactics-wise, Baby Dragons just don't change much. At BH6, you gotta start respecting the Roaster as a second Air Bomb-level threat, and at BH8+, same with the Giga Tesla, but you handle all 3 the same, so it's not very different. As you're moving along, save a book of building for the Mortar Gear-up, that's an absolute nightmare to deal with. You've got 2-3 months to find that book, so no rush, even once you've hit Mortar 8.

    Builder Hall 9, pre-Otto

    If you've followed the guide this far, you've got most of your gear-ups and Giga Tesla done already, and have been dumping extra elixir towards Battle Machine and/or Cannon Carts. Start by hitting the basics, placing buildings and maxing Baby Dragons and Collectors. You should hit about 3000 trophies at this point, and now it's time for the major Battle Machine level-up grind, now that you're at maximum Elixir-earning potential. This is the reason why you didn't prioritize Battle Machine previously. You're going to spend a month or more doing attacks without it, so why slow down reaching this point? Anyway, this is the final major grind, so have at it. Check your otto requirements, those are the priorities. Gear-ups, Battle Machine, Giga Tesla, Cannon Carts.

    Builder Hall 9, post-Otto

    Pick a troop, max it. Pick a defense, max it. Repeat ad nauseam. Start learning the top-tier armies. You're mostly past my guide at this point. A good option is Drop Ships + Minions, or Mass Pekka.

    What to do when you draw?

    If it's 100%-draw, see what you were attacked with, and build something up to defend that specific attack. Firecrackers, cannons and archer towers are all good versatile upgrades, but primarily, you want cheap/fast, or a priority building if that helps. Mortar and Giant Cannon defend against witches, as do bombs. This is actually really important for making the play experience smooth, as many rushers don't respond to the draws, or worse, respond by dropping trophies, and neither of those solutions are -fun-, and in both cases, you're no longer trophy-climbing, which hurts your loot potential. But grabbing a few cheap upgrades to prevent 100%-draws means you'll be able to climb a little higher, while you save up for the next BH, which will give you a massive defense spike.

    How important is that book of building for the Mortar Gear-up?

    Depends? If you're just going for Otto, it'll save you 14 days of waiting on Otto, but nothing else, and the upgrade can be left until last, which means it won't affect your overall progress towards Otto.

    If you're aiming to max out BH9 to grind trophies, it's super important to get a book for this, but you've got a fairly broad window to do it in. A book of building for that upgrade is more valuable than a rune, imho. It's just too long a timeframe to be without your only builder.

    Why Baby Dragons?

    Cause as mentioned earlier, they're a solid balance between early-access and power. Baby Dragons are viable by themselves all the way up into the ~4k range with no other troop research, which is farther than you can get on rushed defenses, which means you'll be set until you have time to research more troops post-Otto. Barbarians struggle without Bombers, and struggle into Lava Launcher, especially without a BM to draw fire. Minions want synergy troops. Nobody should play Archers. And Giants want to be tanks for other troops. Later options come online too late, imho, and are expensive. You want to hit BH9 and unlock Otto asap.

    submitted by /u/Godskook
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    [IDEAS]Petition to make it so both players get rewards from getting a 3 star, or at least full army camps to attack again

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    [MISC] Hope your clan has a successful CWL!! We got very lucky in our league :)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:51 AM PST

    [HUMOR]Their looks do look like that tho

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:38 PM PST

    [META] Why is this even listed as a rule anymore?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:43 AM PST

    [HUMOUR] You haven’t experienced pain until this has happened to you lmao.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    [Builder] Battle Machine be like

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:25 AM PST

    [GOAL] [AMA] Took a while, but finally hit legends as a th10.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:07 AM PST

    [MISC] TH13 ��

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    [GOAL] And many shovels later...

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    [IDEA] Sharing fully stated attacks

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

    SO we can share base loadouts, sned request, do friendly challenges, and share replays in clan chat, but why can't we share battle attack strategies? Like we can share attack strategies, like one of the loadouts of our army camps, and then the clan members can view it. It could show the current level of your troops, the cost, and the effectiveness of it. This would help out a lot of attack strategies and possible war strategies.

    submitted by /u/SuperStarlord24
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    [ASK] Why hasn't Supercell added the option to limit which troops we can receive?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Has this ever happened to you? You make a donation request for Clan War Leagues. You know, the high stakes mode with the opportunity to earn highly valuable League Medals. You make your donation request very clear, describing exactly what you need to maximize your chances for a successful attack. But, some random clan member donates some low level troops/spells that you have absolutely no use for. Say, for instance, you primarily use freeze or poison spells, and you get a lightning spell, something that won't work with the types of troops that you usually use.

    That was a rhetorical question. Of course it's happened to you before. Now, this has been a problem for a while now. There has to be a reason why Supercell hasn't implemented this yet. So my question is: has anyone else asked this question? Has Supercell explained why they haven't made this a thing yet? Or is this problem not as widespread as I thought?

    submitted by /u/PSI_Seven
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    [HUMOR] bruh moment

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    [MISC] #Builderbaseart

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:18 PM PST

    [HUMOR] Oh global, how you've fallen...

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:13 PM PST

    [HUMOR] The clouds in Titan is killing my joy

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

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