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    Friday, June 4, 2021

    Clash of Clans Just a general PSA when posting bugs

    Clash of Clans Just a general PSA when posting bugs

    Just a general PSA when posting bugs

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    We rely on your bug reports to help us improve the game. Our dev team actually does comb through the subreddit to look for bug reports. With that in mind, we'd like to make sure we can isolate and address those bugs when they're reported here. In order to do so, we'd like to respectfully request that you share the following information when posting a bug:

    • Device model (ie iPhone 12 or whatever other mobile device you might be using that is experiencing the issue)
    • OS version
    • A brief description of how this issue is occurring.

    The more specific information you can provide, the better it helps us identify the problem. For example, if it's a visual bug, saying "Supercell fix this" doesn't really give us much to go on. Because Clash is played on such a wide range of devices, it helps us quite a bit to let us know what device you're using.

    Any kind of information to help us pinpoint the source of the issue is greatly helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Darian_CoC
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    Titan ll without ever attacking [✔]

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    Decided to recreate the base from Clash-a-rama to the best I could with my crappy TH7 level buildings

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    got my sixth builder unlocked by letting my small brothers play builder bases for me, so apparently they wanted to play games on my phone for doing little chores for me, little did they knew they were helping me getting this sixth builder xD : now waiting for seventh builder.gonna get sixth on all

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    All life is precious.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    Got wrecked twice by Gaku is pure pain. Top 500 Legend League.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    So apparently, telling a th5 to not ask for head hunters is called bullying. (no one in the clan has headhunters)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    Champion League!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    clash update is near��

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    What if I like to be in a quiet clan?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:43 AM PDT


    i saw a post by u/yellowblueporcupine earlier today about hybrid guide and thought i will add to it and go over how to hybrid common base types.

    1)Starting with island bases

    the all common island infernos base with core townhall


    U take out 1 inferno tower with 4-5 hogs and 1 freeze. 1 hog to pull cc

    • Charge queen into eagle
    • hybrid through other inf tower on that side with king to funnel outside
    • yeti blimp for townhall (under warden ability send over hybrid) with rage to take it down then heal whenever needed.

    2)TEASER base type 1

    heros townhall and cc reachable with queen charge



    • drop a rage in the corner 12 oc(o'clock) then drop your queen and healer into the rage spell with 1 loon for airmines
    • use as many rages and freeze as u need (usually takes 2 rages and 2 freeze if it a hard cc)
    • now if the cc is outside u can use 5 snekies to take it or use a early poison and freeze with rage to kill cc
    • then use your king and sb at 3 or 9 oc corners and hybrid in between queen and king sb

    3) teaser base type 2

    teaser base with non walkable townhall / xbow farm around townhall



    • Queen charge the eagle and inferno at 9
    • here u need 3 wall breaks 1st to break queen into single 2nd break queen into eagle 3rd break queen into core for cc
    • king at the corner
    • hybrid in between and blimp over them under warden tomb for townhall
    • heal near enemy heroes on xbows and giant bomb at 3 oc corner

    4)RING base with isolated solo townhall




    • Queen charge 1 corner of base to kill cc with 2 wbs
    • king on the opp side where queen charged
    • hybrid in between along with blimp for townhall

    5) island base with townhall covered by heavy defences

    at higer townhalls townhall is also protected by 3rd multi at th 12 and scatters at th 13



    • FOR TH 11 u can just qc cc then hybrid around base staring into eagle and xbow section and blimp for townhall
    • FOR Th 12 and 13
    • use a hog to pull cc and start qc at corner funnel queen into xbow section
    • king and sb (rc at th13 )on the other side of core
    • hybrid straight to the core

    thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/nindudaduck
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    Why does builder base take more gems its less time?!?!?!?!?!?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Am I the only that wants to be able to upgrade flags and weather vanes to look sturdier and better?!�� (for no purpose other than to make your base look nicer!) ��

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    If you are asking for advice on how to attack, please include a screen shot of your profile

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    CWL season is upon us, so there have been many posts asking for attack advice - but only 2 or three that I've seen have even included their TH level in the title

    Knowing your troop/hero levels is essential to giving good advice - zap witch is a great attack but doesn't work with lvl 1 witches

    So please include your profile as well and many of us will be more than happy to give advice

    submitted by /u/ItsmeKIMOCHI4
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    Hybrid Guide

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Hybrid Guide

    Hybrid Guide


    Hybrid takes practice

    Hybrid is flexible

    Queen charge for pathing

    Use blimp or siege barracks (usually)

    Have a plan

    Hybrid has been one of the most effective attacks within CoC for a while now. It's powerful from th10 all the way up to th14. In addition, it is easy to learn, and reasonably quick to get pretty good at. For these reasons, I would recommend it as the No.1 attack to learn as a player in clash of clans.

    Hybrid In General: The Basic Ideas

    Every attack will be different, but there are some basic ideas that carry through across all town hall levels. These basic ideas will give you a great starting point to build on.

    Hybrid Planning

    All hybrids use a queen charge. These are used in order to remove a significant portion of the base. Although key values are important for a queen charge, one of the benefits of hybrids is that there are no exact key values you need in order to have success. That's right, unlike pretty much any other attack, you can queen charge pretty much whatever you want. But there's a few rules:

    1. You will almost always want a clan castle pull. Ok, I said that there's no exact key values you need to get, and that's still true, but it's very, very helpful to pull the clan castle. This is usually easy to do, in today's meta you can usually
      1. Pull with the queen itself
      2. Pull with a yeti blimp
      3. Pull with one hog (for easy to access ccs)
      4. The cc pull will eliminate risk from your attack, and is almost always an easy thing to get, especially at lower town hall levels. Not all clan castles will trip up your hybrid, but some will.
    2. Pathing. Pathing is the no.1 priority on a hybrid attack. Nothing is as important to a hybrid attack as clean, skinny pathing for the hogs+miners. Think of the base in four quadrants. With your queen, you want to remove at least one quadrant. Example is coming, so don't worry if you don't quite get it yet.

    Ok, those are some musts, but what else is good to get?

    1. Town Hall (th12,13,14 ONLY). Taking down a weaponized town hall can be very valuable. Although the bomb can be wardened through quite easily at th12 and 13, it's very nice to have the town hall down beforehand, and save the warden for some eagle shots.
    2. Scatters, Multis, and Eagle -- These are good value for a queen, but in most cases won't be your main target with the queen charge.
    3. Singles-- Singles are relatively simple to hybrid through, and should be deterrents from queen charges. When dealing with singles, you will most likely need a freeze or two, and mistakes can happen and ruin an attack. Possible to deal with for sure, but not something to seek out with the queen

    King Deployment: where to use him?

    1. The king has basically one use in hybrid: to funnel. Almost always, use him to funnel one side of the hybrid, using the queen charge to funnel the other. This makes hybrid a pretty forgiving attack for those with underleveled kings, as you don't really need him to take a key value or tank for very long. He is best at clearing one layer of trash along the very edge of the base quickly and effectively.

    What siege to use?

    Here I will go through all five sieges and their merits.

    1. Wall Wrecker: very rare to use, would not recommend until you are at a level to get really experimental.
    2. Battle Blimp: Increasingly strong pick, especially at th13 and th14. Two ways to use it.
      1. Most often a blimp will fly in to clear a single compartment early in the attack with yetis. This will help with either queen or hybrid pathing. It is also often helpful to blimp an area with direct access to a cc pull, and once the yetis die, the cc will head on over to your queen.
      2. Another way to use a blimp is to fly it over the hybrid in the middle of the attack, shielding it with a warden ability in order to get a center town hall. This works great against ring bases, but you will need a good deal of practice to get the warden timing right, and please please please don't send your blimp into a sweeper. Note: Blimping the town hall is increasingly strong at th14, where the poison effect shreds hybrid.
    3. Stone Slammer: Not really used with hybrid. Fun siege, but would not recommend.
    4. Siege Barracks: The most common siege at th10+11, also very common at th12+. This is used in conjunction with the king to get the cleanest funnel ever. In a war hit, you will want to fill this with hogs, so that they will sweep in as part of a second wave of the attack.
    5. Log Launcher: Spicy choice, wouldn't recommend for most beginners. Only ever really used for massive queen charges that will take a whole lot of practice to pull off.

    How to deploy the hybrid

    1. Once you've gotten what you wanted with the queen charge (or you're running out of time), it's time to start the hybrid.
    2. Deploying hybrid is very simple. First, place the miners (two or three fingers to spread them out works best). Then, place the warden (if applicable). Then, place the hogs (same deployment as miners). After that, place the RC. The RC will usually go with the hybrid, unless there is a very specific use for her elsewhere. Again, hybrid is flexible!
    3. Once your hybrid is on the ground, get ready to place some heals. Heals are the main lifeline of your hybrid, messing up heal placement is one of the biggest issues beginners face.
      1. Place heals to help the hybrid power through splash defenses. This includes: multis, scatters, some xbow farms, and some tesla farms. Keep track of how many heals you will have, and when planning, have a pretty good idea of where you want to place them. In war hits, you have the time to think about where the troops will most likely need a heal. Often, you will just need to drop heals when you see the red on the health bar, but it's a good idea to think about it beforehand.
      2. Spells don't change troop pathing. This seems obvious, but a big issue I had. If your hybrid is just ignoring that one building, putting a heal near it won't change where the hybrid is going. Put heals where the troops will go, not where you want them to go
      3. Healing through the eagle -- it probably won't work. The eagle absolutely wrecks hybrids. It wrecks miners when they're above ground, and it wrecks hogs. A heal won't really do much, you have to use other techniques to deal with the eagle. This includes taking out the eagle with a queen charge, starting directly on the eagle, or using the warden ability through the eagle.

    Hybrid In Legends

    So maybe you like hybrid in war, is it worth giving it a go in legends? Answer: Kinda. The legends meta right now is pretty darn toxic, from teasers to stacked cores to ring bases. Hybrid in legends is definitely an option, but probably not my first choice. If you want to try, I would recommend bringing three super wall breakers, a lot of coco balloons, and have both a blimp and siege barracks ready to use. Use yetis in the cc. I won't go super far into legends hitting tips, but with thirty seconds to plan, just go for the best pathing you can. Ideally, queen charge the town hall. Mostly, legends will just take practice, and now definitely isn't the best time to start pushing with hybrid.


    Below is an example on my baby th13 for a little bit of a general overview of what my thought process is.

    Step One: Look at the base lol


    Step Two: Rough Sketch of pathing


    Here I have one quadrant sectioned off for my queen, which I like because I can get the town hall, the cc pull, and two multis! Plus then I can hybrid right through the eagle. I like it.

    Step Three: Evaluate queen charge: will it work?


    Hmm… looks like the defender (spoiler its me lol) doesn't want us to queen charge there. Look at those little dead zones. They'll make it really hard to queen charge into the multis from the town hall. And if I dont get a good wallbreak, my queen is going to go who knows where.

    Step Four: Add finer details to plan


    In this case, I think I'm going to yeti blimp the town hall, and then queen charge right into that outer multi. I'll bring a few wall breakers, but even if I don't get that long wall open, I've already gotten some good pathing!

    Step Five: Identify Hybrid Pathing

    No new picture needed here, I'm just taking a look at what the hybrid through this base looks like. I do notice that the base is really spread out right at 2 o'clock, my miners might split up. However, I'm not too worried about this because there isn't much of a backend left for my hybrid.

    Step Six: Identify Army composition

    Ratio of hogs/miners is mostly up to personal preference, usually I go a little bit heavier on the miners. I want three super wall breakers to give my queen the best shot of breaking way deep into that core. And then of course all of the extras, like healers, some cleanup, and around 5 loons for coco tanking and various defense sniping. I also want my standard funneling troops for queen: one baby dragon and one yeti. For spells, I'm thinking three rage (one is from cc), two heals, two freeze, and one poison. I like bringing the two freezes because even though I'm not queen charging through a single, they might be useful to protect from a scatter at some point.

    Step Seven: Attack!!! Give it a go, and see what happens. If you have a good plan, after a little bit of practice, your hit rate will go through the roof. You got this!

    Congrats on reading this far, I hope this helped at least somewhat, I know it's not perfect -- please leave comments telling me what I could have done better! Big shoutout to u/rt250 's lalo guide… gave me the inspiration to do this. Still can't lalo tho lmfao

    submitted by /u/yellowblueporcupine
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    How do i attack this base in CWL? I am TH10 with almost maxed troops. Help is appreciated✌��

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Most clutch mega mine ever

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    The most unusual defense failure

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I’m a max th11 how should I attack this base?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    Clan War Donations Idea

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    I've seen several posts with people saying Clan War donations should count towards XP/donation count, and the main reason they don't is because you're able to delete troops in the cc and re-donate, so it would be very easy to spam donate and delete continuously and get XP. There is an easy fix for this.

    Instead of counting donations towards XP the second you donate, have the donations only count if they are the troops actually used in the war. So the moment it switches from preparation day to war day, the troops that are in each clan castle are counted and XP/donation count are allocated accordingly.

    What do you think? Is there any reason this wouldn't work?

    submitted by /u/Chief_Leaf
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    Can I three star this base as TH10 with QC lalo?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    I’m a townhall 9 with maxed troops and spells and can boost my heroes too. This war’s number 1 wasn’t able to three star this th10 base, so it’s all on me. Is there any chance i can three star this base and how?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    I’m th10, would it be possible to get 2* on this, only level 34 queen and king is down.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    This ain’t much but I’m proud of it, I finally reached master league

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Do you play with sound on?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:05 AM PDT

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