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    Clash of Clans TH9-11: The Transition Stages of CoC (Guide)

    Clash of Clans TH9-11: The Transition Stages of CoC (Guide)

    TH9-11: The Transition Stages of CoC (Guide)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Too long to provide a single TL;DR that isn't an essay and that covers everything, so I'll go by section. 

    This guide could provide some valuable basics to all town halls, even if it is guided towards TH9-11.

    (Generally made for mostly maxers/near maxers. If you are in to strategic rushing, check this out.)

    Hello ! You may have seen me around the subreddit a few times before. If not, I am a pretty dedicated clasher who knows a decent amount of the game.

    That being said, this post is a tips and tricks/guide on TH9-11. I like to call these town halls the "Transition Period" of the game. In three town halls, you go from a measly, simple TH8 to a large, fairly complex TH12, which unlocks all troops in the game, as well as a defending town hall itself. In between, you unlock the archer queen, grand warden, siege machines, and many other things that revolutionize the game. It's a big step, and if one doesn't go through TH9-11 well than they can end up being a TH8 in a TH12 base (Actually where a lot of electro spammers originate). TH9-11 is generally where many players quit too, because mostly of burnout and uninterest. It'll be a bigger grind than what you may be used to at TH8. Not much to prevent that. Best you can do is make the grind enjoyable, and efficient.

    Table of Contents

    Sec. 1: General Things Sec. 2: Attacking and Attacks Sec. 3: Upgrade Priorities/Builder Management Sec. 4: Heroes Sec. 5: When you should upgrade your town hall Sec. 6: Conclusion 

    Section 1:General things

    Here are a few general tips, and these are applicable to any type of player.

    Always remember CoC is a video game. Play in a way where you're having fun. Don't burn yourself out. It's not worth it. However, there are things in this guide that will engulfed you in to the strategic aspect of clash, which truly is a great. There are also certain things you can do which will make your clash "career" better and easier.

    Find a long term clan. Many TH9-11s tend to have a huge ego. Listen, if you keep hopping trying to find the perfect, amazing clan, you will have a lot less fun playing clash. You're not that high leveled, it'll be hard to find great clans that want you. Sometimes, it's best to just suck some things up and stay in a not-perfect-but-good clan. Now, that doesn't mean you can't leave ever. Sometimes, things just really suck and don't mesh. However, if you find yourself leaving clans very consistently, the problem may be with you. Re-evaluate why you might not mesh with clans. Take things from a lead's perspective every once in a while.

    Some Advantages to staying long term in a clan:

    Connections and Relationships. It's better mentally to form friends with your clan mates. You can exchange ideas, attacks, bases, etc. Sometimes, it's also just good to have a friend to talk to.

    Patriotism. Wars and Clan Games especially are really fun when you have a feeling of pride for your clan going in to it, and during it.

    You can also get accustomed to certain reoccurring war plans.

    You can see these are mostly all mental. And that doesn't make it any less valid. Having fun mentally in clash can avoid things like burnout, as well as help you appreciate the game more.

    If you're less interested in competitive wars, consider trying to join a FWA clan. Take a look.

    I won't get too much in to base building in this guide, because it is a whole other monster to tackle. If you are interested in it (Which I highly recommend) then you could start here, or the various other guides on base building on the internet.

    TL;DR: Treat CoC like a video game, and do what is fun. But know that there are things that you can do to make it easier. Try to find a long term clan that you like. It helps mentally. Try your hand in base building. It's fun and helpful! 

    Now let's dig deeper...

    Section 2: Attacking and Attacks

    Whether it's farming or war, attacking makes clash. This section will cover almost all things attacking at TH9-11 (Not trophy pushing, as I don't know enough about the topic to cover it for now)

    Take any older videos with a grain of salt. Many things change. E.g. lightning radius and dmg.

    A few general things first. Here are a few concepts you that are great to learn in this phase of the game, as they will carry on to the late stage of the game,

    Queen charges/walks. Great for funneling, as well as taking out CC and core defenses. This concept is heavily used at higher townhalls, and most likely will always be.

    TH9 Queen Charges

    TH10 Queen Charges

    TH11 QWs/QCs

    Queen Charges-Basic to Advanced

    Zap Radius. It's just important for many strategies. u/TrampleDamage 's great zap radius guide

    Funneling. In other words, getting your main squad to go inside the base, and stay in the general same spell radius. An example could be just taking a quarter of a base, forming an L shape for the main squad (Specifically hybrid and LaLo)

    u/congressmancoolrick 's example of funneling for hybrid

    Judo Sloth's funneling guide



    Baby Dragons: Easy to manage, and good on DE. Just place them around the ring with a few zaps and juice the loot.

    Pekka Wizards: A mix of Pekkas, wizards, and wall breakers. Customizable, easy to gut the core, and easy on DE.

    Barch: Sometimes it's good to go with classic old Barb Archer. Place them in a ring and watch em annihilate all the trash. Easy on loot.However, hard to get to the inner layers in the base.

    Goblin Knife


    Witches with Bowlers (A bit older)


    LavaLoon #2



    Farm: Things are generally the same with TH9. However, TH10 gives access to siege machines. These are really useful in things like barch or goblin knife. Sieges like the wall wrecker and log launcher gut to the core. Blimp and Slammer are good for farming too, Blimp to bomb in to certain loot filled compartments, and slammer as a defense killer.

    You also unlock miners. Miners (Esp with a queen charge to form funnel) are great for loot and attacking in general. Low in DE.



    Electrone Lavaloon

    Hogs and Pekkas (HoPe)


    Zap Dragons

    Zap Witches (Demonstration)

    Bat Slap


    QC Hybrid

    QC Hybrid #2


    Farm: Sneaky goblins and raged barbs rule in farming at TH11. Many think the 25k investment is not worth it, but you can gain that loot back in five raids of 5k. I won't provide videos for sneaky goblins, as if you search em up you'll find dozens of good videos anyways. They're pretty simple.

    Super Barbs u/rishi_55 :p

    If you're farming DE, the new found electro dragons are fine. They're pretty good for killing dead bases without heroes. Just don't get used to them too much.

    Other than super troops, tried and true baby dragons serve me well.


    QC Hybrid

    QC Hybrid #2

    Blizzard LavaLoon

    QC LavaLoon

    Zap Witches

    Zap Witches #2

    Super Archers

    Zap Dragons


    TL;DR: Learn concepts like queen charges and funneling early. Take a look at some of the links for good videos and good strategies. 

    Section 3: Upgrade Priorities/Builder Management

    Let's start off with upgrades that should be on the top of your priority list, as well as a few good links.

    u/congressmancoolrick 's priority upgrade comment


    Many people seem to underrate heroes, and coincidentally the same people are dragon lovers. Air attack or not, heroes are extremely important in this game. More on it in the "heroes" section. Try to keep your heroes almost always upgrading (Not CWL if you need them for it). Heroes and the farming needed for them is a grind. I know. However, it pays off.

    There are a few different ways to upgrade heroes.

    • You can upgrade different heroes at a time, keeping 1/2 up at a time to farm and even war with. However, it's not the most efficient. There's also not much reason (To me) to only have one or two up. Farming attacks are still do-able without them, and if you have a hero like the queen down you still will not be able to perform many three star attacks. Not my personal favorite way to upgrade heroes, but you can try it yourself and see if you like it.
    • Another way of upgrading heroes is through batches of levels. E.g upgrading all up to the nearest fifth, then stopping for a while. I have not tried this personally, but I have had clanmates upgrade like this and it has proven pretty successful. This option allows for more full hero wars, but it is still not the fastest way to get heroes up.
    • My personal favorite way of upgrading heroes is all of them at once, and not stopping until max or CWL. This is great for people who want max heroes ASAP, but it leaves little room for normal wars and not much time to practice three star attacks. That is why if you use this strategy, you need to make the most of the probable CWL week of which your heroes are up. Do FCs as much as possible in this time. If you do not have active members of your town hall level, consider visiting an FC clan. This way of upgrading heroes is good for efficiency, but can easily burn you out.

    Know that heroes will take up a majority, if not all of the time of TH9-11 to upgrade. In TH9 in particular, many people max everything else before heroes. That is why if you want good heroes, you need to take the time and grind to upgrade them.


    Many people tend to prioritize defenses and resources over offense buildings. This is generally the wrong thing to do. If you want to be able to farm off and attack better bases, which in turn maximizes loot intake, you need to upgrade things like army camps, clan castle, barracks, spell factory and laboratory ASAP.

    Remember, you can attack up to ten times a day realistically. In that time, the most times you will defend is about four.

    You should also almost always upgrade the laboratory right as you upgrade the town hall. This is because you will gain a max lab level boost for the first five days of upgrading to a new town hall. If you are TH11, it might be a good idea to book the town hall. For TH9-10, builder potions are usually the better option as the lab upgrade time is short.

    Priority Defenses:

    Okay, so you've got near all the offensive buildings upgraded. Nice! Here are some of the priority defenses you should upgrade to provide best protection to your base:

    Air Defenses. Most people who attack you will use strategies like LaLo, any type of dragons, and just air in general. This is especially important at TH10, as the amount of zaps needed to take down an AD goes from three at level seven to four at level eight.

    Whatever the new core defense is at your town hall: For TH9s, it's xbows. For TH10s, it's inferno towers. For TH11s, it's still infernos as well as the eagle artillery. These "Core Defenses" are paramount in defending your base, and upgrading them will help defend immensely. But keep in mind that by upgrading these you are adding a ton of war weight, and it might match you against harder players in normal wars. Wait until you're confident in your offense to upgrade these.

    Builder Management:

    Let's move away from priority upgrades, and focus on builder management. Builder management is essentially timing and using builders in a way that ensures one is always busy and working in the most efficient way possible.


    Stagger to the best of your ability the times of which each builder is free. This is so there is time between each upgrade to loot up. One way of doing this is upgrading different types of things. Maybe have a few builders on heroes, some on defenses, and others on misc. The way Beaker's Lab upgrades is entertaining, but pretty inefficient and hard to complete ;)

    Get your sixth builder ASAP! It is very important and can increase upgrade times by ~17 percent. Here is a great guide on getting it by u/thefavorite .

    Using a builder potion so that a certain upgrade finishes at a time where you will be right there. Example: Have to sleep soon but have a builder free in 2h? Pop a builder potion and wait a bit if you can.


    Do not keep a builder up for walls. Not sure how this goes for TH12+, but on TH10-11 especially I see many keep a builder up for walls. This is fine if you are about to go on a big looting spree or it's hammer jam, but know that by doing this you are slowing your builder time by ~17-50 percent. If you are fairly active, and you stagger builder times, you will be done with walls around the same time as the rest of your town hall upgrades.

    Lab Upgrade Order:

    There is no right order of lab upgrades. However, you should upgrade army by army. Try to max a war army you like, and then a farming army. Or the other way around. Then work from there. Don't know what attacks to use? Refer to the attacks section and feel free to use a power potion to test them out.

    TL;DR: Upgrade Heroes! Prioritize offense over defense. Upgrade the lab army by army. Stagger the time of which a builder becomes free. Upgrade ADs and core defenses first most of the time. 

    Section 4: Heroes

    Why am I devoting an entire section to heroes? Well, I want to emphasize and showcase each of their importance. That is what this section is for.

    Note: Most of these abilities are viable for any town hall.

    Barbarian King:

    Many neglect upgrading the barbarian king. Do NOT do this! People who say the king is only good for funneling are wrong. But even if they were right, they would still not be justified on not upgrading him. Here are a few things the king is great at doing at TH9-11 (They all get easier and better the higher the level):

    • Funneling. Duh. But funneling is extremely important! It decides if your troops will path inside the base and to the core defenses or not. He can take out an entire side of a layer with his ability, depending on level.
    • Tanking: The King at level 50 has just under the HP of a level 7 golem. That, along with his ability allows for some major tanking. The King can lead a charge and take so much dps along with it.
    • Compartment busting: The king, with the assist of a bit of funneling and wallbreaking, can take out most ~9x9 compartments in the game. If the compartment has any valuable defenses, the king's value will be huge.
    • Tank Defense. As Clash with Eric said, the king is "The best air defense in the game". Why? He stalls dragons with his HP which immensely wastes time and allows other defenses to do their work. Obviously, he is a solid ground defender too.

    Archer Queen:

    The Archer Queen is to many, the best hero in the game. And honestly, there's reason to believe that. The queen will change how you play the game and will also change how you defend. Here are just a few of the great things the queen can do at TH9-11.

    • Forming a precise funnel: The queen, especially when used in a queen charge, is an amazing tool for funneling. She can take quadrants of bases, forming a nice pathway for other squads to go to.
    • Destroying: Not sure how else to put it. The queen's high DPS and range allow for her to gut many compartments without even going inside them. This makes her an insane asset.
    • Taking out core defenses so the main squad doesn't have to: Basically the heading. In a QC or even when suiciding, the queen can take out very valuable structures with just a little bit of funneling and spells.
    • Extremely good defense: The queen has two things that make her great at defending. Range and a death bow. She is a great loon killer, as well as a great defense targeting troop killer overall. She also can distract many ground troops, and stall them with her range which could for example make them go from targeting an inferno to a wall.

    Grand Warden:

    The Grand Warden is also considered by many as the best hero in the game. At first looks, he seems weak. But he is truly an amazing hero. Here are a few of his main uses at TH11:

    • Funneling: At TH11, warden walks are very rare. However, they can still happen. The Warden's range makes him a good replacement for the queen in a queen walk/charge, allbeit a slow one. Most of the time, people use a warden walk for just a steady funnel. Which he can do.
    • Support the main group: Self explanatory. The Warden's health boost on other troops and ability is amazing when helping the main group of (For example) hybrid or LaLo.
    • Defense: The Warden defense building is does it's job of supporting surrounding buildings well. Especially useful when paired with the queen.

    All of these abilities of a hero are enhanced/possible when you upgrade them. Hopefully if you were not convinced on upgrading heroes before, you are now.

    TL;DR: Each hero has their own set of unique and useful abilities that are enhanced when upgraded. Get those heroes up! 

    Section 5: When you should upgrade your town hall

    I see tons of posts on this subreddit asking when they should upgrade their town hall. Especially TH9s.

    I know, town hall nine is a weird town hall as heroes are almost always going to be lagging behind. But in order to know if you should upgrade, you need to know what type of player you are.

    Here is a great walkthrough of the process you should go through before upgrading to TH10, by u/klip_twings. If you do not want to read the entire thing, here are some of the key points of the guide.

    If you are a normal war player, try to get your heroes to at least 25/25. When you become a TH10, you will most likely be faced against other TH10s. You will have a huge disadvantage with low heroes.

    If you are trying to be as efficient, upgrade when you are starting to waste resources. Whether it be gold, elixir or in the rare instance DE. It's best to go then so you don't waste any valuable loot waiting.

    How about TH10?

    The time to go to TH11 is more or less the same process as going to TH10.

    If you are an avid normal war player, you should really get heroes to 35/35, for the same reason as going to TH10. However, if you have been working on your heroes a lot, you can very easily max heroes near the same time as everything else.

    If you are someone who wants to be efficient, upgrade when you are wasting any resource. Just like upgrading to TH10.

    TL;DR: When you should upgrade town halls heavily depends on your playstyle. If you love and want to succeed in normal wars, try to get heroes to max/near max. If you want to be efficient, upgrade when wasting a resource. 

    Section 6: Conclusion

    Town halls 9-11 are crazy. They will determine what type of high level player you are, and if you don't slow down and appreciate the various strategies in these levels, you may end up being like a brain dead TH12-14, who spams e drags with no loons.

    If I inspired and helped one person through this post, I'll be happy. And remember, these are just the basics. There are so many in depth things even in these lower town halls, and you can dig so much deeper.

    Here are some great content creators for these levels, and many of them have provided content used in this guide:

    Judo Sloth

    Kenny Jo

    Clash Bashing

    Clash With Eric


    Here is a great website to track upgrades by u/clashdotninja:

    r/ClashOfClansRecruit is a good place to find a clan.

    Here is a good website to track stats, if anyone needs it.

    A huge thanks to everyone in this subreddit who provided some of the guides! Thanks to u/congressmancoolrick as well for helping me find them.

    I'd be very happy to answer any questions anyone may have. As will others. If you have any suggestions to make this post better, I'd be honored to hear them.

    Good luck, clasher !

    submitted by /u/Davidhlc_
    [link] [comments]

    I swear it's part of his personality

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Spell descriptions but more accurate!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    Thank you for your generosity.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    Dark spells but more accurate

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Elixir troop descriptions but more accurate (includes hero’s)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Kids these days

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] what it’s like being a non-18+ clan

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Every time

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    After 10 months of trying to fix my rushed base…it is finished.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Starting to think the Master Builder has short term memory loss

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Orange bars of death!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Every single time

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Sorry Builder Base ��

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Everytime teaching a new strategy to clanmates

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    I found a piece of history in CWL

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    All Witches Attack Smashing TH14

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    When you thought walls are very important

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:52 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    When your phone is tired of you playing COC all day..

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    This clan has 2 leaders! ������

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    heres a nice 1 i thought of

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    Can Someone Help Me Please

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Did you hear about the forums?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

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