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    Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Clash of Clans Builder Base Made Simple - Path to 6K for Lazy Clashers :D

    Clash of Clans Builder Base Made Simple - Path to 6K for Lazy Clashers :D

    Builder Base Made Simple - Path to 6K for Lazy Clashers :D

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:04 PM PDT


    - Builder base is not for everyone, and there are multiple places along the journey where you can decide to call it an end and just not click that boat ever again.

    - Rush to BH9 ASAP

    - Max minions ASAP, it doesn't delay your OTTO

    - Use corner bases below 4k, and centralised bases from 4k-6k

    - Upgrade Dropships too if you wish to continue beyond OTTO

    - Learn seperate strategies for centralised bases and corner bases

    - Grind the odds. Consistent 60%+ and a centralised base will allow you to reach 6K End of Season by sheer probability.

    - Dissect each base and attack in more detail if you wish to climb to 7K

    Hi clashers,

    I appreciate all the support you guys have given me for farming guide :D

    (linked in the comments section if you have yet to check it out)

    I've decided to cover another rather murky area of clash - the builder base (hereon referred to as 'BB' or 'bb').

    The following guide takes you step by step through all the different stages of BB and outlines the most simple and efficient ways to complete your progress there. Whether you just want to get the OTTO and get out, or want to max your builder base, or push for the big 6K record and top your national ladder, this guide covers some tips and tricks for getting there quickly, easily and without needing to be an absolute gun at the game (BB really isn't that hard).

    Navigate through the contents page to see the different sections and jump to the one you need.

    Hope this guide helps, I'd really appreciate it if you could drop me an upvote and leave a comment below to show your support!

    Contents Section


    Early Game [Pre BH9]

    Mid Game [Rushed BH9 - OTTO]

    Late Game [Otto - Maxing out][

    End Game [Maxing out - the big 6K]

    Sweaty TryHard Zone [6K - 7K and beyond!]


    Disappointed in the ugly base on the other side of the sea? Worn out by the never ending list of upgrades for the 6th builder? Frustrated at constantly matching against max players who pekka spam and crush your base? Not sure what to use or upgrade? Longing for that 6K personal best but think it's way out of reach?

    Well I'm happy to inform you that this guide covers all those problems and more!

    A little self introduction:

    I've always been a somewhat casual builder base player, trying to find the easiest ways to get things done. Been playing builder base ever since it came out, with some significant breaks in the middle. After getting back to clash after a particularly long break, I saw that there was now the option to get the 6th builder through some builder base tasks. Luckily I had already put quite a bit of work into my builder base, so it only took a little over 2 months.

    I continued to play builder base after OTTO, because I've always viewed it as another part of clash that I had to max at some point. I've tried numerous compositions and bases, ran into a lot of walls and was forced to change to completely new strategies. I never really wanted to tryhard builder base, because to me bb is a chance to relax from the heat of the home base.

    Working out and constantly improving different strategies, I worked out a way to trophy push with very little skill and effort. I'm not exactly the best bb player, but I do manage to finish above 6k every season with very minimal effort.

    I would like to share my experiences and some tips on how to make it to the top of your regional ladder without breaking a sweat, so without further ado, let's get right into it!

    I've broken this guide into 5 sections, titled base on progression and goals. Navigate through the headings and find the section that'll help you the most.

    Early Game [Pre BH9]

    So. Rush to BH9. Next section.

    I'm kidding of course, but you do want to get to builder hall as soon as you can. Builder base matchmaking is not weight or builder hall based; it depends purely on trophies, so having a rushed builder 9 just gives you extreme advantage over a maxed builder hall 6. The downsides to rushing is similar to that of the homebase: it makes your base look almost disgustingly ugly.

    To help you get there quicker, I recommend upgrading either barbs to a decent level (~Lv 12), or just start upgrading minions from the get go.

    Collectors and Mines should also be your top upgrade priority. As daily loot gain is fixed for the builder base, every little drop counts! Upgrade your mines and collectors whenever possible (gold mines that is), drop all your new buildings, upgrade your storages to the bare minimum requirement, and start that bh upgrade!

    Gold pass is extremely recommended if you're planning to grind out the builder base. As upgrade are 20% cheaper, you are able to progress 25% faster through the necessary upgrades (daily loot gain is fixed). Moreover, you save a lot of storage upgrades as you can afford the next town hall or lab upgrade without having to upgrade your storages.

    Mid Game [Rushed BH9 - Otto]

    You want to max your lab, then max your minions. Although minions aren't explicitly required for OTTO, having them maxed will allow you to play at a significantly higher trophy range, thus generating more loot in the long run. As it is a single troop army, it is actually rather cheap and quick to max out.

    With lv 18 minions, you are able to take 72 cheeky flying devils to every raid you do. During the mid game of BB, your opponents will likely be extremely rushed, just like yourself. As a result, your 72 minions will tear through the base, 1-2 minions per trash building and 2-3 minions being enough for most defenses.

    Another great thing about mass minions is that it's extremely easy to play. You can make a ring with them around the base, saving maybe 15-20 minions to snipe the th section.

    Remember, if your maxed minions can hit the builder hall without being hit by defenses, 5 is enough to take it down. If it is being hit by 1 defense, 6 will be enough.

    Watch out for those sneaky air mines around the builder hall! Always drop a test minion before sending your entire horde in.

    As most players probably know from their painful personal experience, the main obstacle between you and the 6th builder is that 30 levels of Battle Machine upgrades.

    That means the main resource you'll need is elixir. So, I recommend not researching anything unnecessary and not maxing out your barracks before OTTO. Every drop counts towards those BM upgrades!

    With the excess gold, you should look to upgrade key defenses. At low 3ks, Night Witch Spam is quite a common strat due to the lack of effort. As a result, you want to max your roaster first.

    After you max out your roaster, you should put your gold into your giga tesla as it is a very expensive building. Maxing that out, you can use gold to upgrade whatever is disgustingly low leveled, and just get a higher base level average. This serves to defend against spam attacks and strats like mass bbds or mass minions, which rely heavily on abusing the low hp of low level buildings.

    Decision Time!

    Now that you've upgraded all the absolute necessities for OTTO and have the cutie stare back at you with its big round eye, you have two choices:

    1. Forget BB ever existed
    2. Continue to play bb because why not?

    If you choose option 1, (probably the vast majority of the players) then:Congratulations, you made it out the other side with an extra builder in hand!

    Now go read my farming guide and grind out those pesky walls! xD

    If you choose option 2, continue reading because becoming a top regional BB player just happens to surprisingly easy :D

    Late Game [Otto - maxing out]

    Yay! I'm glad you chose to continue. Builder base only gets fun towards the end game in my opinion.

    That's right, the end game. This is only the late game, so you'll have to grind through this section :(

    If you play proper strats, you can easily climb to way above your weight range. You will start playing against near maxed players that pekka spam and triple you. This period of builder base is extremely tough, but the end game is quite rewarding if you can make it through.

    Between the 3k-4k range, I recommend you use a corner style base. People at this range are bad enough or simply don't care enough about BB and get 0 stars as a result. And that obviously results in an easy win for you.

    Here are some links if you're struggling to find one yourself:

    For your attack strategy, you want to continue using mass minions, but start upgrading your dropships. Shimi (Dropships and minions) will become your primary strategy all the way till 5k trophies, and will be used up until the 6k range at least, changing to schiwimi (add in night witches) past that point.

    As you climb a little higher, you'll start facing Baby Drag spam quite a lot. To counter them, you want to max your air bombs. This also prepares you for the 4k-6k range, where Shimi (drop ship minions) dominates the meta.

    After air bombs, you can either continue upgrading all your lower leveled defenses, or focus on air targeting defenses specifically. Controlling your defense levels to the best value against spam is quite efficient. You want to upgrade your fire crackers so that they 3 shot maxed minions, and your archer towers so that they 4 shot maxed minions.

    Your drop ships should be maxed or close to maxed at this point. Start playing typical shimi spam. I recommend either classic (3/3 split) or aggressive (2/4 split, 4 camps of minions).

    Shimi is the builder base equivalent of edrag spam. It takes very little skill to use and gets the job done surprisingly well.

    There are a few simple steps to a successful shimi attack:

    1. Drop a few minions to clear exterior camps
    2. Pick a weak side to attack from. You don't want to engage both air bombs and mega tesla at the same time. Stay away from both if you can. I recommend attacking from the side closer to the Builder hall to secure that safe 2 star.
    3. Drop a shallow line of minions (~10) on the side you chose to test for air bombs and to clear trash to funnel
    4. Drop 3 or 4 dropships spaced out and such that they target high hp buildings and tank for your minions
    5. Drop the rest of your minions until you have 6 left.
    6. Drop the rest of the drop ships where the front line is dying. Make sure to drop them to tank the point defenses (air bombs, roaster) for your minions.
    7. Drop the battle machine somewhere to clear a bunch of trash buildings for extra destruction%
    8. Use the 6 remaining minions to snipe the builder hall (if it's not down yet) or clear exterior buildings for extra %. 2 minions for a low hp building (barracks, mines, teslas etc), 3 for a moderate hp building (cannons). Stay away from high hp buildings (why would you attack them) and add an extra minion if your minions are being hit from their long shot position by any defense

    I know this sounds like a lot, but once you've done a couple of shimi attacks, it becomes quite common sense. Note: You can use a power potion once you've maxed lab to push to 3k trophies for those free gems if you haven't already.

    Moving further down, you'll enter the pekka hog spamming range. Pekka hogs are extremely op against underleveled bases, so don't feel surprised if you start getting regularly tripled. Corner bases work much better than centralised BH bases against pekka spam, so stick to your corner style bases. To counter pekka hogs, put your focus onto crushers and max them out.

    Once you have the point defences maxed, you can simply work on whatever is not yet maxed out. At this point, I recommend you upgrade your air targeting defenses first as you should be at a trophy range where Shimi is basically all you ever get attacked by. This is also the point where I recommend you switch to a centralised BH style base. Again, here are some bases which I've used in the past and have worked rather well for me:

    Once you've maxed your air targeting defenses, just upgrade whatever is left. You should eventually find yourself at 5k and maxed out.

    End Game [Maxed out and trophy pushing to the big 6K]

    Congratulations on making it this far, you now have a base that is more or less completely maxed, except for walls. You can choose to call it quits right here, cause 5000 is quite a smooth looking number. It also happens to be the builder base equivalent of the legends league boundary. (That is, you reset to 5k at the start of every season)

    If you wish to continue pushing, I'm happy to inform you that pushing to 6k trophies requires very little skill. You do have to grind the odds because it is 'high ladder' after all.

    Base wise, just upgrade your walls. Note that a lv 8 wall and a lv 9 wall has essentially no difference in terms of defensive value. It's basically pure clout at that point. (Not like you're going to let your resources overflow and refuse to upgrade anyway :D)

    The path to 6K requires little skill, but quite a lot of grind (be warned!) You can either spar against some sweats and make a major leap in skill, or you can take the lazy clasher route and simply follow this guide.

    There are a few simple things you need to do to easily reach 6K, end of season:

    1. Use a centralised style base from one of the links above. It's hilarious that even players at high 6k struggle to 2 star against those bases. Corner bases are way overrated during this range. Very few players at this range can actually reliable hit your centralised base for 70%+ (Though they do exist)
    2. Learn 2 strategies, one against corner bases and one against centralised bases. Corner style bases should be an easy 60%+. Centralised bases are tougher to hit consistently.
    3. Consistently score 60%+ on your attacks. Consistency is basically the only thing separating a 5k player from a 6k player. Become consistent and just grind the odds. If you consistently hit for 60%+, enough people will get 1 stars against your centralised base to push you to 6k by season end.

    Attacking Centralised Bases

    Let's start with centralised bases. I recommend you to just hit those bases with classic 3/3 shimi as explained above and hope that you get a 2 star. Hitting centralised bases is more or less a stab in the dark and heavily luck dependent. This is also the reason why I recommend you always run a centralised base. You'll get better at hitting them with practice and experience. There are many things which are quite difficult to cover in words, so you just have to play against them more. I also recommend watching Youtube for different attacks you can use against centralised bases.

    Attacking Corner Bases

    These are much easier to attack than centralised bases. I recommend using 3/3 archers minions. You can easily and consistently get 60%+ with it against corner bases. Here's how to play archer-minions:

    • Use your battle machine to clear some high HP exterior buildings, stuff like storages and star lab (usually to protect the archer tower and air bombs section at the BH corner).
    • Use archers to pick off exterior buildings. Don't drop them all at once, count them. 2 per low hp building, 3 per moderate hp building and 4 for stuff like storages. Archer are quite prone to splash damage, so drop them in groups of 2-3. Dropping them one at a time is painfully slow, and they don't provide any tanking for each other. 2-3 is the sweet spot where they tank for each other but don't get hit by splash damage. Below is a 'number of archers for each building' table.

    Building Archer Required
    mines/collectors/barracks 2
    Tall Archer towers 3
    Short Archer towers 3
    firecrackers 2-3
    Camps and builder hut 1
    Cannons/Double Cannons 3
    Other tankier defenses like roaster 4
    Storages/Lab/Clock Tower 4
    Air bombs 5-6

    Add more if the building is reluctant to go down

    • Use minions to pick out low hp buildings where archers can't reach (they can only reach 1 tile over a wall). The numbers for minions is the same as above (covered in the shimi trash clearing section). Below is a more extensive number of minions to each building' table.

    Building Minions Required
    mines/collectors/barracks 2
    Tall Archer towers 4
    Short Archer towers 3
    firecrackers 4
    Camps and builder hut 1
    Cannons/Double Cannons 3
    Other tankier defences like roaster 4
    Storages/Lab/Clock Tower A LOT. Don't recommend using minions

    If minions are being hit, add 1 to the number of minions required.

    • Pick out the defences near the BH with archers. That corner usually consists of an archer tower, air bombs and maybe a few cannons/firecrackers. Remember, you have plenty of both archers and minions, so choose the most efficient one to use if you can.
    • Once there is a clear path to the Builder Hall, use test minions to see if there are any air mines. Then send a few more in. Remember, 5 if minions aren't being hit, 6 if they are.
    • Use the rest of your troops to pick up as many % as you can. That means trying to take out low hp, unprotected buildings. Remember that archers can't reach very far in, so make sure that you use archers to reach exterior buildings and minions to reach interior buildings. Follow the charts above.

    Now that you've learnt both strategies, just practice getting a higher average % and better consistency. Then just grind, grind, grind out the odds. If you can maintain a consistent 2 star 60%, you'll be able to make it to 6k by season end.

    Note that just like in CR, trophies inflate towards the end of the season. So, don't be frustrated if you can't push very high immediately, wait until near season-end and just continue repeating the grind cycle. This process is rather luck dependent, which is why you need to grind it out.

    And…. that's it. You're now on your way to holding a 6K PB. Not that hard is it? Now go practice your attacks :D

    As always, leave a comment below or reach me on discord if you have any questions.

    Sweaty-TryHard Zone [6000-7000+]

    I myself only hold a PB of mid 6400, so I'll pass this section to my friend Nocturne. FYI, he pushed to a record of 7200+ before he even maxed out his battle machine! He'll take you through the tips and tricks to optimize your attacks at the higher end of BB.

    This is now Nocturne writing. Congratulations! Once you have reached 6k, you are officially regarded as a skillful builder base player. You have probably made it onto your local leaderboard. Once again, the choice is yours to make whether to walk away with the personal best, or to dive in the deep end.

    Here is the point where most players care and invest more into builder base than home village. I will further divide this into two subsections: the Contenders' Valley (6000-6800) and Top of the World (6800+).

    Contenders' Valley (6000-6800)

    This is where you will learn that knowing one or two attacks will not get you much further. You will need to start learning how to dissect and analyze bases in a more in depth manner, and start practicing new attacks to cover for where your favourite one is weak. You will have to build consistency in your offensive results as well as mentality. Rage tilting is the worst.

    There are two ways you can do this, either learn similar attacks as the one you have already know (i.e. learning flybrid (2 ds 2 min 2 bbd) after knowing dropship minion) or you can learn a completely opposite attack (if you know air, learn hogs or gibart). The latter will leave you more prepared for different types of bases, but no doubt will be more challenging. Or you can do both, like I did. The more you know, the better.

    Quick tip for gibart: keep your eyes on the Lava Launcher, Multi Mortar and Giant Cannon. Do not let them touch your carts. Unless you have a clear plan to deal with or avoid them, do not use gibart.

    When pushing, try to find times where you are not in a hurry for something, and can win back a match or two if you lose. If you do decide to play with a tight timeframe, accept the possibility that you could end up lower than where you started. If you start to feel frustration, make the hard choice: take a break and do something else. Don't play while something else is on your mind.

    You will have to be prepared to always look for better bases. The ones Sunny provided, they will not last forever. Know how you start to learn how to attack specific common bases? So have other players. You don't have to build your own, but it would be useful to know a thing or two, when choosing new bases.

    Top of the World (6800+)

    Welcome, mighty clasher, to the final arena. May the best survive. Playing here requires not only skilled attacking and good defensive layouts, but also a mind of steel. Consistency is a must. From here on forth, you probably know what you're doing, and I can only give a head up on what to expect. The rest of the journey is yours to take!

    Up here, people know each other. You will see new bases being shared between circles of players and competitive drama here and there. Joining a builder base clan yourself is highly recommended, if you have builder base as a priority. The power of teamwork works wonders.Players attack like you have never seen before. Each an accomplished attacker in their own strategies. You can learn a lot from just watching your defenses.You will experience mild to heavy "cloudings." This is the term used for when a player is searching for a match, and watching the magnifying glass travelling in a figure 8 out of half boredom and half anticipation. Use this time to take deep breaths and relax. Don't let the anticipation overcome you.

    While the Contenders' Valley is a good place to experiment and learn new attacks, you cannot afford to take the risks up this high. Always opt for the solution to the base you're most confident with.

    And lastly, don't let a series of losses cloud your judgement. There are always ups and downs, and once you learn to look past them, that's when you will become a true champion. Good luck!

    Final Words

    Glad that you made it to the end of this guide. Hope you now have the confidence to smash out builder base progress and ladder. If you have any further questions, you can find me on discord [SunnyJD#2438] and Nocturne [Nocturne#6729].

    And as always, Clash on!

    Also check out my Farming Guide if you have yet to: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/ncpj1u/sunnys_comprehensive_farming_guide_easily_take/?sort=new

    submitted by /u/DQ4443
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 19 May 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    Builder Base Grass Art. Just finished this piece! Does anyone else still make use of their grass?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    The top player on June 19, 2015

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    How true do you think this is?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    Finally got to max bh9!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    With regard to changing your name, what do you think about the idea that they lower the price by 500 gems per year(or even half a year)? It means, if you have to spend 2,000 gems at this time, it's going to be free after 4(or 2) years. I came up with the idea during changing my Supercell ID name.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    Infinite loop of super wall breaker

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Revenge option isn’t useless at this level.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    LEVEL 500 TH9!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    What's your oldest decorated obstacle? This one's from 2014!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    does anyone else keep their christmas trees? if im right the black and gold tree is six years old

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    What's the difference between a hammer and a book?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Title says it all

    submitted by /u/Hi_Guys32523
    [link] [comments]

    Why is the censorship so weird in this game? The word phone was censored but not the word die

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Gear up x7?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Th14s - Is legends just the simple answer for farming? Pet focused rambling...

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Nothing revolutionary here, just rambling math and I wanted thoughts down on paper, maybe some discussion.

    I've been farming dead bases in champs as a th14, its ok. Not great like dead base farming other town halls, but that's to be expected.

    Finished Q/W/RC already, just king and pets left, so I started doing math for pets and if I could keep them upgrading in legends easily enough, and it surprised me that, quite easily you can do that, as long as youre not spending lots of dark on heros or lab still. Pets actually get easier the higher they go on a dark needed per day basis since the upgrade length increases proportionally more than the cost each level,. With gold pass, for level 5-10 pets the most you ever need to farm per day is 33k (without gold pass its 42K) for level 5 unicorn. For level 10 unicorn its only 29k/36k.

    With max drills, in legends, if you attack somewhat decently, you can earn up to 88K per day, minus army cost, so with a normalish hybrid call it ~74k per day. Assuming you get max de per attack, and max win bonus (70% destruction). That wont happen no ones perfect, call it 70K per day. War will add another 2-4k per day average if you war constantly, win or lose - army costs.

    That leaves you with an average excess of 30-40K per day for heros and lab, which aint bad. Early pet levels are expensive though, I didn't do the math on them entirely since I already mostly finished those TBH.

    You're also going to earn, conservatively, 5.5 million gold and elixir each per day, That's not quite keeping 6 builders busy, especially without gold pass, but its not bad at all for the minimal time commitment of 8 non-planned attacks. (~30 mins per day total if you spread it out and only log in to attack/request)

    TLDR - It took me way to long to just admit to myself Legends is best for me. Legends is a minimal time commitment for a very reasonable amount of loot. Th14 content will trickle out and Its probably enough to repeatedly max it out right before quarterly updates every 3 months.

    submitted by /u/CongressmanCoolRick
    [link] [comments]

    What do you usually buy with medals?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    What dou YOU usually buy, not what SHOULD I buy. Just curious, I know a guy who just buys wall rings lol

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/GoldenInferno123
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    My first ever midseason 6K! :D

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    Found this while attacking. It's beautiful

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    December 20th 2014 - May 19th 2021

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    What’s the rarest obstacle here?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    So my main account gets banned for trying to recover my old mini account from years ago?? How is that fair? How can I fix this?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    After doing lots of research and watching RH BaseBuilding and Judo Sloth, I have somehow become obsessed with Base Building. Rate this please!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    Upgrading to TH10 - Magic Item Help

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    I am about to upgrade to TH10 and I have a book of building and a hammer of building. I was thinking of using the book on my TH and hammering my CC. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Clerk9324
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    I’m planning on using the Hybrid attack as my main attack. This is what I got going on currently. Any changes I should make? I’m goin got use Stone Slammer Siege once I unlock it!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:25 AM PDT

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