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    Thursday, April 22, 2021

    Clash of Clans After mega minion nerf what’s the move on cc troops?

    Clash of Clans After mega minion nerf what’s the move on cc troops?

    After mega minion nerf what’s the move on cc troops?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    Since when can you use the goblin map for clan games?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    The town hall 11 grind is finally over today after I completely maxed it out!!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    ...this is what happens when I do a solo war

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    We all know the feeling ��

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Guide to How the Multiplayer Trophy System Works

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    This topic generates a lot of confusion, questions, and misunderstandings. Here's a guide to explain how it all works and how it's supposed to work.

    Quick Facts:
    • Maximum trophy offer for a win: 59
    • Minimum trophy offer for a win: 0
    • The factors that determine trophy offer: difference in trophies between attacker and defender, nothing more
    How the size of the trophy offer is determined:

    The size of the trophy offer is determined by the difference in trophies between attacker and defender. That's it. No other factors go into the trophy offer calculation: not town hall level, not troop levels, not experience level, not progression levels. When the attacker and defender are equal in trophies, the offer is a baseline of 30 trophies. That baseline of 30 increases to up to 59 trophies when defender has a lot more trophies than attacker. That baseline of 30 shrinks to 0 when attacker's trophies are significantly higher than defender's. Once the trophy offer is determined, the amount you earn is based on the number of stars earned. 3-stars gets you 100% of the trophy offer; 2-stars gets you 2/3; 1-star gets you 1/3; and zero stars gets you anywhere from zero trophies to some number of negative trophies. The maximum 59 trophy offer is possible when attacker is somewhere around 800 to 1000 (or more) trophies lower than defender in trophies (how much delta is needed to produce the 59 trophy offer depends on where you reside on the trophy spectrum - see the chart I link toward the end of the guide); because of that, it's extremely rare to ever see a 59-trophy offer in regular matchmaking (there are extreme scenarios where it can and does happen) - but it's common to see it on revenge attacks where either attacker or defender may have experienced big changes in trophy level since the original attack.

    Why the trophy offers I see are low but attackers are hitting me for much bigger offers:

    Multiplayer matchmaking attempts to make it so that most of your targets are the same town hall level, some fewer number of targets might be +/- 1 town hall level from you, some even fewer number of targets are +/- 2 town hall levels, etc. Now consider the scenario where you are much higher in trophies than your peers at your same town hall level; when multiplayer matchmaking tries to give you similar town hall level targets they are all lower than you in trophies, which means the trophy offers you see will be less than 30. It also means that when your peers search for matches and find you, you are much higher than they are in trophies which means the offer they see for attacking you is higher than 30. In some cases, you might be so high in trophies that you have not only left your peers way behind, but you may have exceeded the typical trophy range of even the next town hall up; so when they find you, you're easy prey with a big trophy offer for them. This also means that since the players finding you are one or two town halls higher than you - they are more likely to 3 star (earning 100% of the offer) whereas you are facing higher town hall levels and not 3 starring (earning only 33% or 66% of the offer depending on whether you are able to 2 or 3 star).

    This whole system might seem unfair, but it is designed to push down people who have risen too high above their peer group, and it is designed to pull up players who have dropped below their peer group. You may believe that a TH5 should be able to easily ascend to legends league by facing only TH5s, but this is not how SuperCell sees it and it's not how they designed the system. The higher you go, the harder it's supposed to be to go higher.

    Why Trophy Offers Get Smaller For Me The Higher I Go, But Get Bigger For Players Attacking Me?

    Imagine the trophy system as a giant pyramid. The lower elevation of the pyramid is the widest (when you think about taking out a horizontal slice). Players at low trophy levels are the majority - they are the base of the pyramid. The higher up the pyramid you go, the less area you get from a horizontal slice out of the pyramid - and likewise there are fewer people at these trophy levels. If you are to take the middle elevation of the pyramid, more pyramid area is below that point than above that point. Likewise with trophies, the higher you go, the fewer people there are above you to give you big trophy offers, and the more people there are below you to give you small trophy offers. And the reverse is also true- as you go higher, it's more likely you will defend an attack from someone below you (because there are just more players below you) and they will get big offers for that. It's less likely you will defend from someone above you (since there are fewer of them) which is why you don't see as many low-trophy-offer defenses in your defense log. Standing at the pinnacle of the pyramid (the very top) means that everyone is below you - every trophy offer will be below 30. And since everyone is below you, anyone who attacks you will see offers bigger than 30 trophies.

    The trophy system is designed to make it harder to gain trophies the higher in trophies you get, and at the same time (combined with the way matchmaking works) it starts adding difficulty onto people who are trying to rise much higher than the normal range for their town hall levels.


    It's a few years old and has probably been tweaked, but this will give you an idea of how SuperCell computes the trophy offer based on the trophies of the attacker and defender. This is not something SuperCell publishes or shares often, but is still a good ballpark reference:

    Here's the forum post on the topic: https://forum.supercell.com/showthread.php/920654-From-the-Dev-s-Desk-Loot-League-Bonuses-and-Trophy-Offers?p=5869696&viewfull=1#post5869696

    Here's the last known chart: https://i.imgur.com/vTna3Q3.jpg

    Bonus topic - Why are clouds so bad in high level leagues right now?

    This happens every single month in Titan leagues during clan games. Reason: think back to the pyramid analogy I referenced earlier. The higher you go in trophies, the fewer players there are at that level. Clan games has a tendency to cause much greater activity among players, which means bases are getting hit and being given shields (becoming unavailable for matchmaking) at a faster rate than normal. Couple that with the fact that there are significantly fewer players in Titan leagues and you can begin to understand that demand (for attacks) is outpacing supply (of unshielded bases) and causing delays. How do you fix it? Drop trophies and get yourself into a more populated trophy range - or just live with it.

    submitted by /u/ByWillAlone
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    New visual for pet house during build progress?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    Power of witch and her skeletons in war cc ( He used 2 heal 1 rage 1 poison and warden ability as well)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Maxed my Th10

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    I made it to legends league for the first time :)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Why do wall breakers break walls if they can just go through them?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    My progress in 1 Month spend 8$ on builder packs in the beginning

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Proud Dad moment. They grow up so fast

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    This guy keeps joining my clan I made for people with not as high town halls because I don’t have a high one myself I had to make it invite only but he kept joining and saying this

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    How should i attack? (i have town hall boost, th8 cc and my clan can dono anything)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    The amount of damage town hall 14 does when destroyed

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    I just got champions league and I am a th10.I need a army please I want to trophie push

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    If you accidentally tap your 2014 present you can still save it

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    it is worth to use a book of building in a lab?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    1 day is left for my th upgrade. And I have a book of building + another i will receive in the clan games. It is worth to use one book in the lab?

    submitted by /u/sugardanni
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    How would you attack this? I'm a th10

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Lvl 15 cannons are the best looking cannons. Change My Mind

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    Tips on how to Max your village as fast as possible while maximizing efficiency for both F2P & non F2P

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    TLDR at bottom

    So I've seen some posts over the past few months of people posting their base and how they're proud of how far they've come with it, and there's always tons of people bashing on them saying that the people obviously spent a ton of money on the game and belittling the work they've put in. While this may be true sometimes, there are many people I've seen who's progress is perfectly reasonable if they've used their magic items well and upgraded their base in the most efficient manner possible.

    I started my first account in February 2020. I unlocked the 3rd builder on my own and then was gifted the other two as well as my first gold pass in March 2020. Since then I have bought a gold pass every month for a total of 14 including this season, but otherwise do not spend money on gems/packs/etc. (I think I bought a $3 pack last year sometime with a couple of books in it, but nothing else). It is currently midway through TH12. Structures are estimated to be finished in about 2 1/2 months according to clash.ninja

    My second account, currently TH11, I started in April of 2020 and is completely free to play. I bought all the builders with gems I got from completing challenges. I trophy pushed really hard starting at TH7 and hitting Crystal, Masters, and then Champions league during the 1st week of TH9 was super helpful for getting plenty of gems to unlock all of the builders.

    Here is where both of my accounts are at right now: https://imgur.com/a/xpJ6y4H

    Here is what I've learned while playing that has allowed me to max out as quickly as possible:

    • Number one thing you can do is always keep all of your builders upgrading at all times. This does require planning. Whenever you start an upgrade, know when it will finish. I try to always start mine so they are finishing during the day and not in the middle of the night while I will be asleep. Also this requires that you have farmed enough loot so when a builder becomes free you can immediately put it down again
    • Second most important thing, especially when starting a new base is rush the 6th builder as fast as possible. There are many guides for how to unlock the 6th builder most efficiently so I won't get into it much. But everything I did in the builder base was based on whether or not it would help me unlock the 6th builder faster.
    • I personally prioritized my heroes heavily. Whenever I hit a new TH my heroes would go down right away and I constantly upgrade them. I would only not upgrade them during CWL but I'd have my builders planned out so that I would have at least 2 that would be coming free right around when CWL ended so I could put my heroes down again. I always prioritize queen, warden, and then king. I usually only have Queen and Warden upgrading and then work on my king a little bit later. For those that are still wanting to war during the season. I'd always have my warden and queen on the same upgrade timer. So if my heroes had between 1-2 days left on an upgrade and my clan was starting a war I could join because once the attacks started, my heroes would be come off cooldown, I'd make my 2 attacks and they'd immediately get put down again.
    • Gems: You can see from my screenshot I have bought a couple of hero skins with gems I earned from challenges. Aside from that. All of my gems go to book of heroes. At 500 gems they are the highest value IMHO. I have bought a couple of builder potions and maybe a couple of resource potions a while back with gems but otherwise it always goes to book of heroes. I never gem upgrades, the only time I have is when there's like 30 minutes left on an upgrade and I won't be free when it comes up so I've used a few gems to finish an upgrade so I can start another one right away. I've only done this a few times though.
    • Magic Items: The use of magic items is one of the ways you can maximize efficiency the most. Every clan games I only ever select items that will speed up my builder/lab time. Builder potions, resource potions, obviously whatever book is available, as well as clock tower potions when I was still working towards 6th builder. Whenever I use a builder potion, I always make sure all 6 of my builders are working, and that none of them will be finishing an upgrade while the potion is going, this guarantee's me a total of 54 hours reduced building time with 6 builders going. Before I unlocked 6th builder, I never used builder potions unless I needed to claim one and was maxed out that way I could use as many as possible once I'd unlocked 6th builder to maximize time saved. Same things go for research potions as builder potions. Don't ever use it if the upgrade will finish while the potion is running.
    • CWL medals: Join a clan in which you can consistently get CWL medals. They are so important for upgrading and will save so much time. I almost only ever spend my medals on Hammer of fighting since the lab always takes longer than the village to max. Hammer of heroes at 165 medals is not worth it IMO and you can get plenty of book of heroes through the trader and the free one from the silver pass every month to get heroes up quickly.
    • Books: I already talked about book of heroes. But for any book as well as for hammers. Only ever use them on your longest upgrades you have. Unless I had another one available to claim, at lower levels I always held books until I could use them on a longer upgrade. I look through each TH level I'm on so I know what the longest upgrades will be for that TH level and make sure I'm only ever using books/hammers on the longest upgrades.
    • Gold Pass: For those that aren't free to play, the gold pass is the best way to speed up your upgrade time. The 20% boost speeds up progress so much and all the magic items also help a ton. For those that use the gold pass, one of the small things I've found to increase efficiency is I try to time my builders so I can put as many of them down for longer upgrades at the end of a season as possible. That way when the new season starts and I have to build up to unlock the 20% boost again I will already have builders working on the previous discount and by the time they are coming up again I've at minimum unlocked 10% boost and sometimes 15% boost. This obviously ends up in me wasting loot as my storages are overfilled from the season bank payout but I personally farm a lot and have never had issues with loot. For those that are F2P, always make sure you finish the silver pass as the book of heroes at the end is always super helpful


    • Always have all builders working and time upgrades/loot so builders can immediately go back down when they come off an upgrade
    • Rush the 6th builder as fast as possible
    • Heroes are super important, always keep them upgrading except during CWL.
    • Don't ever gem upgrades. Book of heroes are the highest value item from the trader IMO
    • Use builder/resource potions only when all builders are going or when lab is going, and make sure no builders/lab will be finishing and upgrade while the potion is running
    • CWL medals are important, always participate in CWL whenever possible
    • Only use books/hammers on the longest upgrades you have
    • Gold pass is super high value if you're willing to spend money. If not all other tips apply

    I hope this was helpful for some people

    submitted by /u/Ozoneeyd
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