• Breaking News

    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Clash of Clans [MISC] What is your most memorable moment NOT related to in game play since you started playing?

    Clash of Clans [MISC] What is your most memorable moment NOT related to in game play since you started playing?

    [MISC] What is your most memorable moment NOT related to in game play since you started playing?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Which is to say, I'm not after crazy anecdotes of last minute war wins, player stats, etc. I'm talking about moments shared with a clan, whether in person or not. Maybe you've been to SC HQ? Maybe you were at Clashcon? Maybe you met your current spouse from playing CoC? Maybe something as simple as a quality moment teaching your young child how to play?

    My stand out memory was in 2015 after many years clashing with the same International folks I randomly said in chat one day that we should all meet up in Las Vegas for a few days and meet in person and have a good time... long story short a few months later nine people from all over ended up meeting in Las Vegas for 5 days of shenanigans! Turns out, one member was quite well off (we had no idea) and rented us a villa for our five days there. I printed T-shirts with our IGN and presented them to everyone (I still have mine). We did two wars all together in the same place, and overall just had a great time in Las Vegas doing Las Vegas things with new friends! It was pretty surreal to meet these people in the flesh after 2+ years of daily clashing with them.

    Runner up for me was I actually played CoC in Antarctica. This had been a dream of mine since 2012 as a quirky location so many people used to use for their Clan was Antarctica. I always joked I'd play there myself and finally did it in 2019. The wifi reception was terrible, but I was quite literally around penguins and fur seals in Antarctica doing battle!

    submitted by /u/AdmiralFluffyPants
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    [VIDEO] i finally did it

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:13 AM PST

    [STRATEGY] 17 dragons attack

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:42 AM PST

    [MISC] 'Save Myanmar Democracy Pls' :'(

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:50 PM PST

    [GOAL] Last lab upgrade!!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    [IDEAS] If somebody misses both war attacks then their war preference should automatically switch to “Out”

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Let me explain my thinking.

    So I think we can all agree that the war preference system kinda doesn't work. Why? Because people who are inactive can be opted in for war which makes it very difficult for leaders to know who will actually attack in war.

    I think the solution is to automatically sit players out who don't participate. If somebody is opted in but doesn't attack, this could be due to many factors like maybe they were too busy to attack, maybe they are bored of the game, or maybe they didn't actually want to be in the war in the first place. Whatever the reason may be, they should opt out. But if that person doesn't play much or they are busy, they may either forget to opt out or not even know they are opted in at all and as much I wish I could opt them out myself, I can't. So for this reason I think skipping a war should automatically set your preference to "Out" for the next one.

    When that player is ready to do war again he can just set his war preference back to "In". Simple.

    submitted by /u/MisterDrGoobie
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    [ASK] In which aspects do the yellow-colored rewards differ from the white ones?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:01 AM PST

    [MISC]Rogue King Render (transparent background) (Enjoy :DDD)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:19 AM PST

    [GOAL] Best lightning value I've had in war(air attack)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:36 PM PST

    [Builder] Same here I am also fucking done.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:25 AM PST

    [MISC] He thought it was a good moment to enjoy the gold storage

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:53 AM PST

    [RANT] Coc support sucks. They banned me for 31 days just for asking a question on events. How is this account phishing???

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:48 PM PST

    [VIDEO] I’m afraid that’s not how builder base walls are supposed to work...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    [ART] All hero skins (March ‘21) Thanks but no thanks

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    [MISC] Is it just me, or do the flowers, mushrooms and the bush look really pretty?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST

    [MISC] Clash should also add a party scenery for the Clashiversary Update along with the Hero Skins.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:35 AM PST

    [MiSC] How do they push so muchh

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:12 PM PST

    [GOAL] Finally made it to Titan after all these years

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:09 AM PST

    [MISC] My dude has literally everything in his base

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:53 AM PST

    [MISC] you guys were right th10 loot is so good that 5 builders or even 10 might not be enough to keep up with it.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    [MISC] Clash of Clans QnA with Darian (Judo) Summary

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:02 PM PST

    Clash of Clans Future: Update Interview and QnA with Darian

    Darian answered questions from the Judo Sloth Gaming community yesterday. Some of the questions asked are about upcoming clash updates. (February 25, 2021)

    Note: This summary (not exactly) is my understanding and interpretation from the interview. I may make some mistakes I didn't notice, so please don't take what you read here as their actual answer. Do watch the interview if you want the exact answers Darian gave. You can skip the sentences in parentheses as they are my comments.

    Town hall 14 this year

    Builder base [BB]

    • No big plans yet

    • Season bank for the BB is unlikely to happen. One factor to consider is that BB doesn't have anything to spend on after upgrading everything.

    • Scenery is also unlikely to happen. The normal scenery in the normal village is actually 3D. This happened when an update reintroduced the waterfall. This change's purpose is to introduce changeable sceneries.

    Super troops

    • Normal permanent troops (and spells) are rarely introduced. The game design team (I guess that's what I'll call whoever decides changes in the game) wanted each new troop to have a niche and be memorable. This is part of the reason why they wanted the super troops, it's easier to make some changes to the normal troop and thus updates on the super troops are more frequent.

    • They're fun and balanced

    Recruitment system

    • (I'd rather not write about this, it was a very lengthy explanation and discussion. I'll just share an interesting fact.)

    • More than 80% of the players are in a clan. Most of those who aren't are th4 and below. So clan recruitment is kinda like a competition already.

    Heroes in friendly challenge

    • (First, I'd like to say that this has been talked about probably very frequently. So please read Darian's responses (not specifically Darian) instead of bringing up a topic that has been talked about already)

    • Like a "slippery slope", players would then ask for heroes during war, normal raids, etc if this is implemented.

    • The game design team wanted upgrading heroes to be a risk/reward

    • Note that Darian is a community manager, he doesn't make the game changes decisions.

    Attacking own base

    • Clash of clans is a social game, interaction with other players is encouraged. There is a single player campaign feature if one wants to play alone. (Goblin maps)

    • This feature many potentially be abused (ex. Changing your own base to copy enemy bases)

    • There are my hypothetical scenarios, but many pros and cons in each one.

    Hog/Winter challenge

    • Apparently it's successful and was met with positive reaction (It was fun after all and it gave us the chance to see the sceneries in action)

    • So, they'll never give players this kind of challenges again. /s

    • By /s, I mean it's sarcasm. Darian himself initially said something like that

    • Some players would end up using youtube/search engines to figure out how to complete this challenges. They'll be more immersed and potentially interact with others

    Legend league trophies use

    • Not likely to happen, it's kinda like your account level where it doesn't have any use

    CWL shop

    • Hammers were introduced to be exclusive in the shops. The lack of any books was intentionally done. Darian will ask about why there isn't a shovel of obstacles.

    CWL mismatches

    • (I occasionally see rants about this, so it's important that players know about this topic. It has been talked about many times in here but it's still considered a "problem".)

    • Mismatch is no such thing. CWL matchups is "self-adjusting", because a clan will eventually drop down to a league that they are more fitting. There are definitely some unfair matchups, but dropping down in the league should minimize such problems

    Second lab in normal village

    • They wanted to limit progression because the content in the game isn't unlimited. They are aware of what the ideal rate of progression they want. (We do have books and hammers and I'm more than glad about them)

    Tournament game mode (more features like clan wars)

    • Clan wars was introduced almost 2 years after the release of "Clash of clans". CWL was introduced a few years ago

    • (I think the answer is basically so far unlikely)

    Random skins (use a random skin everytime we login/attack)

    • Darian shared it with the game design team, but so far no response (He did like this idea)

    XP level change

    • No plans, (swag them like you swag your extra spells jk)

    More clan perks

    • The design team do talk about this, but they haven't come up with a great and fitting idea yet

    Revenge system

    • It does need some work but again, no ideas yet (and maybe not a priority)

    Collecting specific resources in ____

    • Ruled out, (there's a list of ruled out ideas in the forums, the link is in the sidebar of this sub I think)


    • They are looking for more ways, but isn't a priority. There are also many restrictions like shipping(I don't remember)

    Book of everything in silver pass

    • Book of everything is more valuable, so they clearly made it rare

    • When pigs fly (that is to say unlikely to happen)

    Voice chat/ Direct messages

    • Nope, has some problems like in global chat (ruled out)

    See who is online

    • Nope (privacy concerns I guess)

    More statistics

    • They haven't been keeping track of many statistics, so if they do make something like this, it will only consider data from the moment they do.

    Change name color

    • Why?

    Update schedule

    • They aim for a quarterly update, but it will not always happen. There are also the occasional small updates that aren't part of the quarterly update.

    Future of clash

    • Almost 9 years old, unprecedented achievement (Isn't it?)

    • For a mobile game, they are in uncharted territory

    • They will focus on primary content updates but still focus on what Clash of clans is about (raiding, city building, clan stuff)

    submitted by /u/bot_yea
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    [RANT] is it me or have Clan Games rewards gotten SO MUCH WORSE

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Not only have the Clan Game requirements gotten harder, but the rewards are borderline insulting. The 5th tier reward is ONE builder potion??? Not even two... but one. And elixir stone is great and all, but I can't remember the last time that has been the ideal top reward for anyone. Would be great to try and fight for rewards I actually see as intriguing aside from little dollops of coins and DE here and there. And f*** off with the gem rewards. Like 100 gems is going to do anything for your base.

    submitted by /u/jackjackmurphs
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