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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Clash of Clans [Guide] Upgrade Guide for Town Hall 13

    Clash of Clans [Guide] Upgrade Guide for Town Hall 13

    [Guide] Upgrade Guide for Town Hall 13

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Welcome to Town Hall 13!

    If interested, please check out the guides for Town Hall 8, Town Hall 9, Town Hall 10, Town Hall 11 and Town Hall 12.

    If you disagree with something here or have something to add, leave it in the comments below!

    When to upgrade

    This guide assumes you care about having an account that's usable for war at a decent level.

    If you are playing more casually or just really want a Royal Champion, then by all means do as you like and choose your own adventure! But in that case you probably just want to skip most of this and only read the bits about the Royal Champion, Giga Inferno and Scattershot.

    So back to assuming you like to war: ideally you had good/near max heroes, most of your th12 defense maxed and most of your lab work done as well?

    A good standard before upgrading if you are not completely maxed is a minimum of 120 combined King and Queen (ideally at least 60/60) and a Warden of 40. You may want to finish your combined royals to 170 before adding Scattershots and Giga Inferno.

    Though of course, maxing out th12 to 65/65/40 before upgrading to th13 is great to do also and gives you time to really master th12 since th13 will build on that.

    What to upgrade first

    Like all Town Hall levels, you'll mostly want to focus on offense first!

    These should be your priorities:

    Top 4:

    1.Royal Champion:

    • Why: NEW HERO! Any new hero is a huge boost to your army strength.
    • Upgrade Strategy: like all heroes, you will want to unlock her ability as soon as you can. This occurs at level 5. After that, you will want to continue to upgrade her as often as possible until she is max (level 20) for th13. Additional info: to fully upgrade her, you will need to upgrade your dark elixir storage. Her initial purchase price is 120k though. You should be able to purchase her immediately upon turning Town Hall 13 if you saved up loot properly or buy a pack.
    • How to use: See the information about the Royal Champion at the bottom part of this guide.


    • Why: obtaining higher level troops. Unfortunately just finishing the building won't give you a big boost by itself, but what it will do is let you start upgrading your troops to th13 levels which is pretty darn important! Ideally you maxed or nearly maxed your lab at th12. Getting this done early means you can keep it going throughout Town Hall 13, which is great, there's a lot of upgrades available and lab upgrades never take a builder.
    • Pro-tip: have an upgrade going in the lab when you start the upgrade as it'll keep counting down while the building upgrades. You may need to reload your game the first time after your lab finishes to see it as there is a glitch that makes it appear the lab paused.

    3.Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir storages: (at least some of them/getting them started)

    • Why: Honestly, it kills me to put these as a priority, but they really are for Town Hall 13. Unfortunately, there are very, very few upgrades you will be able to do in Town Hall 13 until you upgrade your storages. This includes upgrading your King, Queen (all their upgrades are going to be over 240k de) and your Royal Champion, upgrading your clan castle (16 million, requires two gold storages to be upgraded), upgrading most of your troops in the lab (most elixir upgrades are around 15 million) etc.
    • Upgrade Strategy: Plan your upgrades ahead of time to see when you need specific storages done by. Start your storages so that you will have enough of them finished to get your other priorities started as soon as you can.
    • Additional info: if you are buying the th13 or other packs, you can overflow your storages. Think about this carefully: having a full gold storage when you buy a pack means you could start your clan castle immediately and hold off upgrading your gold storages a tiny bit longer.

    NOTE: If you have a gold pass, you will be able to overcome some of these limits! With either gold or silver pass you'll also have the ability to overflow your storages a bit the first day of the new season. Given that, you may be able to do some higher ticket upgrades without storage upgrades with proper planning using pass discounts and Season Bank payouts.

    If you have saved runes, it will be better to use them after having upgraded the storages to maximize their value.

    On the other hand, if you have hammers, you don't need to wait for the storages and they can help you to have a head start as a new th13.

    4.Clan Castle:

    • Why: 5 extra troops. 45 troop space = WOW!
    • Downside: need to upgrade storages. As this upgrade costs 16 million you will need to upgrade two of your gold storages first. Unless you purchases a pack that allows you to temporarily exceed storage limits or, if you have a hammer of building, I think that it's a good idea to use it here.
    • Additional Info: Unlike the lab, you can fully use your cc while upgrading it! The only thing to be wary of is that you cannot see the indicator which tells you if it's full or empty so you'll need to pay attention on your readiness screen.

    Also priority:

    • Siege Workshop: Upgrading your Workshop to level 4 will unlock the Siege Barracks.

    This one is more about your clan mates than it is about yourself. (If you're in a clan that donates, you'll want to use donated Siege Barracks over your own any time you can.) Please don't hold off upgrading it forever, and honestly if you want to upgrade it on day one, please do. However, you should mostly be upgrading this so you can donate Siege Barracks to your clanmates.

    As only th13s can build them, all the 10s, 11s, 12s and other 13s are depending on you….holding off very long at all will likely cause a bit of resentment from the other 13s. This is mostly an altruistic upgrade. Prioritize it based on how much your clan needs you to donate and how much you want to help others.

    Siege Barracks max level is 4 so, if you want to be able to donate them maxed, you will have to upgrade them at last once in the lab (assuming that you are in a clan level 10 or higher that has the +2 perk on troop donations).

    Upgrading the workshop won't add a slot capacity and you will still have only 3 sieges while going into multiplayer battles but, if your clan can donate to you, you could take the 4th siege in your cc, saving you from choosing what your army won't need if a quick change of strategy is needed.

    • Siege Barracks: This siege, unlike all the others, once deployed won't move from the place that you decided to put it.

    The Barracks will release one Pekka and a series of Wizards depending on its level (the troops' level depends on the levels of them that you have researched), to a max of 12 Wizards for a level 4 Barracks.

    It will lose its health with time (it can take damage too from defensive building so try to protect it or it will be destroyed before all the Wizards came out).

    Once destroyed your Clan Castle troops will be released.

    This Siege won't help your CC troops to reach the core of the base that you are attacking but, at level 4, you will have 73 additional troops space to take with you in battle!

    • Scattershot: This is probably the defense that will increase your war weight the most, so it is up to you and your clan to decide if dropping it sooner or later. If you are in a heavy clan it won't affect it much, if you are one of the few 13s it could disrupt the balance.

    Without it though 13s defensive play is basically the same as 12s.

    Read at the bottom for more information about the Scattershots.

    • Seeking Air Mine: The black mines, if maxed at level 4, can one shot a maxed healer (level 6), giving you a big defensive boost with little cost.

    Other (Builder) Upgrades:

    DE Upgrades: at th13 you can go up to 70/70/20 on (King, Queen and Royal Champion) hero levels and it's highly recommended you do so. It's never a wrong choice to prioritize hero upgrades. You may sometimes choose to do a lab upgrade instead or keep a hero up for war, but getting to max heroes as soon as you can will only make life easier!

    • The Royal Champion is your new hero and you'll want to prioritize her upgrades since, targeting defenses, she will help you in your war attacks.
    • In general, your Queen is the stronger unit and has the biggest role (particularly as it enables queenwalks and the like). It's recommended you try have her for war as much as possible, so if you can plan to have her for mandatory weekend wars, please do.
    • The King is also highly useful but is less of an upgrade priority. While it's still good to have him for wars, you can replace him if needed with a Pekka or plan attacks that don't require his presence if you find yourself in weekend war without him.
    • Individual level upgrades don't add much. Levels of 5 are far more important as those include ability increases. It's therefore recommended you concentrate on upgrading heroes in groups of five instead of keeping them even. (Example: 65 King/70 Queen/15 Royal Champion is stronger than 68 King/68 Queen/17 Royal Champion). For reasons of builders, breakpoints on one shot kills, you may sometimes deviate, but in general: levels of 5 are best.
    • Whether you swap off every 5 levels or just take the Royal Champion straight up first, going to 65/65/20 vs 70/70/10 first or similar is your choice.
    • The Warden does not take dark elixir so his upgrades should be considered to be not in conflict with the other three heroes (unless you're choosing where to use a book or a builder). Do not neglect the Warden.

    Elixir upgrades:

    • See above for laboratory and Workshop.
    • Grand Warden: You will want to get your warden to level 50 as soon as you are able! Maxing him will increase his hitpoints, the damage that he can deal and the duration of his ability. Also, if you are using him in air mode, from level 49 he can't be killed by a single Seeking Air Mine.
    • That's it! No barracks and camps in this Town Hall, so focus on your Warden and lab, when you have elixir to spare… walls!

    Gold Upgrades:

    • See above on clan castle.
    • Weight concerns? In general, you want to keep your offensive level at or above your defensive level. You should be able to 3 star your own base. So, in general, keeping your weight close to th12 should be the goal until you have 65/65/40 heroes or greater, cc done, and ideally some th13 level war troops.
    • If you want to keep your weight lower: upgrade walls first.
    • As for other defenses, it's kind of up to you. Upgrading your new traps are a good option, always. Wizard towers and infernos are good against most common attacks but do increase war weight more than many defenses, so weigh this when deciding. Air defenses are good against healer heavy attacks as well as edragons. For now there aren't new levels for archer towers and mortars but, talking in general, point defenses are useful, archer towers>cannons since cannons only attack ground. Both can murder troops or heroes though. Mortars aren't as useful as they were and I'd leave them for last. They basically help to change the path for defence targeting troops as hogs and loons.
    • Once you're ready: Scattershots. These will immediately increase your war weight significantly, but it will also greatly increase your defense. If you're in a heavy clan (other 12s and 13s) there's no point in taking .5 to the extreme: as soon as you feel ready to attack bases with Scattershots (or can at least reliably 3 star th12s often), feel free to add them to yourself.
    • Giga Inferno: read below for more info and deciding when you want to upgrade this.

    Lab Upgrades:

    Meta changes, so there's no "right" order to what you upgrade in the lab. But here are some pointers:

    • Try whenever possible to keep the lab going! Having upgraded stuff is important. You should plan to finish or nearly finish the lab before finishing your defenses at th13.
    • If you will war as a new 13, pick a few war armies you want to work toward. Upgrade the troops that are dominant in those first. Unless you are one of the top players in your clan, concentrate on first making sure you buff up your army for clearing 12s, and then develop a second one that works well for attacking 13s. (This may be pekkas, yetis, hogs, miners, bowlers, edragons, healers etc, etc...check the latest meta and ask your clanmates what works well).
    • Note: if you are not warring constantly or are taking a break while adjusting to your new level, you may choose a few farm troops to do first, instead.
    • Don't neglect spells forever, but key troops should probably be done first.
    • Once you've got at least 2 good war armies, add support troops.
    • Slip a few farm troops in as needed once you get a few good war armies if you haven't yet. They usually aren't a priority though: the increase isn't huge and while you can farm a little better, higher level troops also cost a bit more.


    The new bigger features of Town Hall 13 are the Royal Champion, the Giga Inferno and the Scattershot, you should take some time to understand those new features.

    Royal Champion:

    What's better than having three maxed heroes? To have four maxed heroes!

    With the introduction of the Royal Champion you will need to learn how to manage another important troop during your attacks.

    • She attacks defense with her spear (that has a shorter range than the Queen's arrow).
    • She can jump over walls.
    • Her ability is "Seeking Shield" and is unlocked at level 5. Activating it, she throws her shield that targets 4 defense (or any other building if all defensive building are already destroyed) without a range limit and she gains back a good portion of her health (almost 67% of her hp at max level!)
    • Keep an eye on her during the attack since, targeting defense, she can get ahead of your other troops making her quickly lose health, right now the suggestion is to not wait for the autotrigger to activate her ability because she could die before taking a full advantage of it. The autotrigger start to get reliable once she is maxed but still be careful if she has a lot of defences targeting her.
    • She will immediately engage attacking troops or heroes in range as soon as she destroys whatever defense she is targeting once they target her. It makes her a good hero killer and a good support to troops like hogs that have the same targets as her but ignores heroes.
    • Her max level is 20 and, like all heroes, her ability get a boost every 5 levels.
    • While defending, she throws her spear to the attacking troops in her range.


    The Scattershot is your new defense.

    • It deals splash damage to your troops, targeting ground and air but not at the same time. This means that, if the first troop that is targeted is ground, only ground troops in its range will be affected by the shot, leaving your air troops undamaged; the next shot can though retarget to air troops if you are using a mixed comp.
    • Once dropped it's worth to take it to level 2 right away because at max level it's very strong and can deal up to 540 damage per shot, making your low hp troops almost useless against it.

    Giga Inferno:

    It's an evolution of th12's Giga Tesla.

    • Like its predecessor, it's upgradeable to level 5 and it pops up on defense either when the Town Hall first takes damage or when 51% of the base is destroyed. It targets ground and air and does damage to multiple targets.
    • What upgrading does:

    - Unlike the Giga Tesla, that shot separated bursts of energy, the Giga Inferno, like the Inferno Towers, shot a constant stream that roast your troops.

    - From level 3 its bomb explosion go beyond the normal damage dealt to your troops, it slow them down significantly. With each upgrade the "slowdown time" increase, at level 5 it's at its max and your troops have 8 seconds where they are slower, getting less effective at attacking and more vulnerable to damage.

    - Unfortunately the visual difference between the 5 levels isn't as strong as with the Giga Tesla and you will have to rely almost only on the roman numbers on the side to see it's level while attacking (the weapon on the top gets a little bigger but it isn't that immediate to notice).

    • Should you upgrade it?

    - Like Eagle Artillery for Town Hall 11 and Giga Tesla for Town Hall 12, upgrading this defense carries significant weight in war. Each level appears to be a decent increase and appears to go up approximately proportionally with each level upgraded.

    - Unlike Giga Tesla that unlocked its death damage only at level 5, the slowdown ability is unlocked at level 3 (though level 3 ability lasts only half of level 5 ability).

    - Recommendation is going to be if you have a base that is max th12 or better, 65/65/40 heroes, an upgraded lab and cc, you should probably go straight at last to level 3 (you can do this while upgrading your lab and storages/cc if you like). If not, you may want to wait a bit before doing so and remain at level 1 for the reduced weight.

    submitted by /u/GeekBaker
    [link] [comments]

    [ART] A TH1 with a Giga Inferno.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    [Humor] Two of the best games of all time

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    [HUMOR] are you ready?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    [Art] Legends have said this tower was the ultimate defense..

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:46 AM PST

    [MISC] someone suggested this, looks really cool.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    [HUMOR] I need my rewards

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    [MISC] [HUMOR]Dropped to bronze, came back to this. Had 100+ more last night would have had around 1k trophy gain. Dropping 1-5 trophies at a time sucks btw.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    [HUMOR] They are very expandable

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:57 PM PST

    [HUMOR]does this only happen to me?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:35 AM PST

    [MISC] I’ve collected 16,700 gems over the past 3-4 year

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    [HUMOR] fullproof anti 3-star base

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:24 AM PST

    [GOAL] I just finished lv 12 walls after 40 days! Each column is comprised of the walls I upgraded that day!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    [MISC] Throwback to the best, most beautiful hero skins...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:17 PM PST

    [HUMOR] that’s just sad....

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:58 AM PST

    [GOAL] FINALLY DID IT. Took a while but is all worth it! Just 2 more townhall to go.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    [ART] Caption this.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:23 PM PST

    [GOAL] Started this account brand new exactly 1 year ago, this is my base today. Only spent $ on gold passes and kingly offer.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:48 AM PST

    [HUMOR] there are no accidents

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:24 PM PST

    [MISC] Isn’t it beautiful?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    [MISC] Can y'all just leave me alone for a couple minutes lol

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    [HUMOR] Achievement unlocked!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    [Misc] Travelled across the whole village!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    [GLITCH] Ok, who the fuck donated me an X-Bow?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:53 PM PST

    [Humor] Burger King Edition AQ?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST

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