• Breaking News

    Friday, December 20, 2019

    Clash of Clans [EVENT] WIN 1000 GEMS FOR PULLING OFF THE HARDEST ATTACK EVER! (Or 3000 for doing it twice!) Are you 99% sure you can? Sign-Up for war on December 27-29. Th10-13!

    Clash of Clans [EVENT] WIN 1000 GEMS FOR PULLING OFF THE HARDEST ATTACK EVER! (Or 3000 for doing it twice!) Are you 99% sure you can? Sign-Up for war on December 27-29. Th10-13!

    [EVENT] WIN 1000 GEMS FOR PULLING OFF THE HARDEST ATTACK EVER! (Or 3000 for doing it twice!) Are you 99% sure you can? Sign-Up for war on December 27-29. Th10-13!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:07 PM PST

    Happy December!

    We know 13 is supposed to be unlucky...and we know townhall 13, inexcorably, like Winter for Stark child, is coming!

    And while we're all caught in upgrades, we need something silly to do!


    What could that be you ask?

    Well, it's not a 99% two star or even a 99.9999% two star.

    No, there is something Much Worse!

    It hurts when it's us, it hurts when it's a clanmate, no matter who they are....though, occassionally misery loves company, and to be honest, it's kinda funny when it's someone else, especially if it's their own fault.

    The sub is littered with old posts and new about it as people have raged for years.

    When it happens, sometimes we want to cry, sometimes we get angry, and sometimes we even feel some empathy. There have been some come up with ways to solve the problem, either by changing the game or changing their clanmates.

    But, it's time to TURN THAT LUCK AROUND! Join us, if only just this once to celebrate townhall 13!


    You want me to WHAT?!?!?

    You read correctly...to win the war, you will need to get 99%! (Or even 99.9%!) And, if possible, only one star!

    Rules are simple:

    • You must attack your own townhall level
    • You MAY end your attack early to achieve the goal
    • Heroes up is not a requirement...you do what you need to do
    • You will earn ONE point for your clan for every base left 99% and two stars
    • You will earn THREE points for your clan for every attack that ends in 99% and only ONE star
    • Once a base has been hit for 99% or 100%, it may not be attacked again...subsequent attacks will not count. (If no available targets are left/ all bases at your level are at 99% or 100% coordinators will work with you to select a target)

    Also, you are not just competing for your clan! There are also PRIZES

    Wait, I get rewarded for 99%?!?!

    Yes, you do! At least if it's a one star

    • 1000 Gems if you manage a 99% one star!
    • 3000 Gems if you manage TWO of them (both attacks)!
    • No gems for 99% two stars...sorry...try harder!

    Note: you must use a valid war base for defense. Bases that are obviously not war bases (constructed to severely isolate the townhall, FWA, missing a lot of defenses) will result in the base being marked off limits and the person being made ineligible for prizes on their own attacks.

    Who can line up for this chance to FAIL BIG??!

    Townhalls 10-13 will be eligible!

    We will check townhall levels right before releasing the rosters to check all upgrades.

    Please sign up as the townhall level you believe you WILL be on Dec 27.

    It's okay to upgrade! If you're a 12, you probably know if you plan to go to 13 or not! If you're a 10+, maybe you know the hammer jam event has you hitting the button.

    Just please be sure no more townhall upgrades happen after noon Eastern on Dec 23rd...anyone upgrading after that may lose their place in the event.

    Hero and defense upgrades are fine.

    You must be in discord in the r/ClashofClans Events server. (If you're thinking of signing up, join it now!): https://discord.gg/d67yeVq . Please change your discord nickname to match your account you've signed up with so we can find you.

    This will be a 45v45 war. Breakdown will depend on sign ups. SIGN UP EARLY FOR THE BEST CHANCE TO BE IN, please!

    If you sign up but find out you cannot make it, just let us know and we'll make sure someone else gets a spot instead.

    You may sign-up multiple accounts, HOWEVER, if you do, the organizers will choose which will be in the event. You will only given multiple spots if we need subs or to balance the clans.


    There will be 2 clans, both level 10+. Clans will be announced when rosters are published.

    IF YOU ARE PARTICIPATING, YOU MUST JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER! When you join, please change your nickname to the account(s) you signed up and the townhall levels of the account(s). If you cannot be found in the Discord server when rosters are being made, you will not be put onto a roster.


    Sign-Ups will remain open until the event is full with sufficient substitutes.

    Rosters will be posted no later than Tues, December 24th by 11 pm Eastern.

    Remember there's priority given to earlier sign-ups, so signup soon!

    The war itself is set for a 24 hour prep day and a 24 hour battle day. War will be declared 9 pm Eastern on Dec 27th.

    Clans will be open to join at least 48 hours in advance and you must be in clan 8 hours before or we may find a substitute. If you have a timer that doesn't allow war to start on time, we will find a substitute.

    Times will be as follows:

    Event London (UTC) Boston India Finland
    Clans Open no later than 2 am Thurs Dec 26th 9 pm Wed Dec 25th 7:30 am Thurs Dec 26th 4 am Thurs Dec 26th
    Be In Clans no later than 6 pm Fri Dec 27th 1 pm Fri Dec 27th 11:30 pm Fri Dec 27th 8 pm Fri Dec 27th
    Prep Day Starts 2 am Sat Dec 28th 9 pm Fri Dec 27th 7:30 am Sat Dec 28th 4 am Sat Dec 28th
    Battle Day Starts 2 am Sun Dec 29th 9 pm Sat Dec 28th 7:30 am Sun Dec 29th 4 am Sun Dec 29th
    Battle Day Ends 2 am Monday Dec 30th 9 pm Sun Dec 29th 7:30 am Thurs Monday Dec 30th 4 am Monday Dec 30th


    To sign up, please join the Discord server. All further communication about this event will be done on discord.

    Then fill out this form!

    You must do both of these things.

    When we get ready to make rosters we will use the Google form responses and must be able to locate you on the server.


    Those who pull off a 99% one star will get 1000 gems for doing it once or 3000 for doing it twice, awarded to the account of their choice! THANK YOU TO SUPERCELL!

    These will appear in your inbox during the month of January to spend any way you choose!

    Credit to ORT for the idea

    submitted by /u/DragonBard_Z
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    [AMA] I am Clash of Clans Community Manager Darian - Ask Me Anything

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Hey Redditland,

    It's been a while since we did one of these, and hope you're enjoying the latest update.

    We'll get started at 7pm (it's 6:30pm Helsinki time). But in the meantime, let's get those questions posted. I will begin answering them when the clock hits 7.

    Please make sure you read through previous questions to see if I've already answered the same question elsewhere. For sake of time, I will most likely avoid answering duplicates.

    Additional note: For those of you who've seen my posting habits, I tend to be a bit sassy at times. By no means is it meant to be insulting or offensive. So please take my jokes as tongue in cheek.

    It's 8:35 pm. I need a quick restroom break and a short bite to eat. I was working on a really long reply when I accidentally closed the tab, deleting what I wrote. Now I'm angry. I'll be right back in a few mins.

    Update: Ok it's 8:45, got a snack, pet my kitties, and have an ice cold Coke. Back to business.

    Update: It's now 9:52. I'm gonna stay on for another 10 mins before calling it a night. I'm going to try to get through as many more questions as possible. There are a ton of duplicates to sort through.

    Final update: Alright fam. It's 10:03pm and time to close up shop. If I couldn't get to your question, I sincerely apologize. I truly try to answer as many as I can. Also if I didn't answer yours, chances are it's probably a duplicate of a question already asked so make sure you check to see if it's already answered elsewhere. Have a good night, and see you again soon!

    submitted by /u/Darian_CoC
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    [IDEA] Please add the middle of the village marker to the Builder Base

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:51 AM PST

    [Humor] Improved pain scale at the doctor

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    [HUMOR] It really do be like that

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    [MISC] 3 Heroes walls Jump race.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    [MISC] I just got my Hero Book after it didn't show up for me at the trader

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:16 AM PST

    [MISC] You guys were dissapointed about the free shovel??

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    [HUMOR] I made this base 5 years ago when I was a th5, I always kept it in one of my layout editor tabs and never changed it. It looks like this now at th12.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:01 AM PST

    [MISC] Next Clan Games - Dec 22 - 28

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST

    [MISC] Trader items like

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    [IDEA] The trader needs to go off on April 23rd if you know what I mean...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:50 AM PST

    [humor] our clan chat is pretty dead

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    [MISC] Everything is possible...

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:09 PM PST

    [Humor] Imagine getting to Clash Of Clans and this is the first thing you see

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:42 PM PST

    [HUMOR] Baby Queen Walk yesqq

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:23 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Thanks xXCheetosmasherXx

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    [Misc] Why I and many others farm in legend league.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:35 AM PST

    This comes up every day in multiple posts so I figured I'd create something to link to instead of typing out new reasons why all the time. The main thing of course is everyone has different goals and play styles so just because you are TH 13 that doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD farm in legends, but I want to address the somewhat prevalent myth that legends is bad for farming across the board.


    • Quite simply put legends is where you can get the most loot for the time put into attacking. You can get more loot in an hour in lower leagues but you will spend more time actually nexting/attacking. There is no nexting or clouds in legends so you get a huge loot grab in a maximum of 3:30 (including scout time). I can tell you from experience I probably spend less than three minutes total each attack, often less than 2:30, usually closing the game once everything is deployed. This means you are spending just under half an hour a day at an absolute maximum farming; giving you time to farm alts, plan war hits, FC, write stupidly long reddit posts or do non clash stuff. I've seen people argue that you can do 2 barch attacks back to back in the same amount of time as doing one legends hit and that's just patently false unless you hit the first base you see for both attacks and spend less than 1:45 attacking each time, I know I personally have to spend quite a bit of time nexting for collector bases, I have a TH 13 alt in crystal/masters so I have my feet in both shoes.
    • You lose no loot on defense and there's no shield maintenance, you just attack at your leisure
    • It's shockingly easy to maintain, even if you miss some attacks or have some massive fails you will probably not fall out of legends because around ~5,300 and below you will not always get attacked 8 times per day and quite a bit of those attacks will be fails if you have strong defenses.
    • This to me is the big one, farming in legends with a strong army will make you a significantly better war attacker. I don't care what anyone says, barching in masters or crystal won't improve your war attacking skills, at all. Strong armies in titan will help a bit but because a lot of the bases have heroes down, sleeping ccs and upgrading defenses it gives a false sense of security. Also, if you always have a war army cooked you can FC all day. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of FC's, they help but there's no pressure to succeed. People generally just wing armies at them over and over again until something works, with legends you need to come up with a plan and stick to it (how many people just quit out of an FC because their queen went the wrong way during a walk?) with pressure on. But that's just me, either way you reap the benefits of FC's better in legends than anywhere else
    • You get to be an asshat and call all your clan mates not in legends scrubs


    • You only get 8 attacks a day. This sounds bad at first but while there are exceptions, almost everyone I see in titans attacks less than 8 times per day, so if you're in titan check your attack wins vs people in legends, if yours aren't noticeably higher you're probably way better off in legends (remember, no loot lost on defense). That said there are people willing and able to grind out crazy loot in lower leagues that make way more than anyone in legends, so if you want to progress as fast as possible and aren't super concerned with becoming a skilled war attacker, or just want to get all the bells and whistles before working on war skills, legends is not for you at this time
    • You can't survive in legends if you are TH 11 and below. For now you can survive as a 12 but probably not for much longer.
    • If you have a varying schedule you will not be able to take advantage of legends. I have a clan mate that can't farm at all for several days at a time because of work, then can grind all day every day when he's not at work, the 8 attacks a day mechanic sucks for him. Also just in general if you aren't active enough for 8 war style attacks a day legends is too much of a commitment.
    • Upgrading heroes is crippling, I'm surviving right now without the new hero but if my warden and/or queen were down I'd suffer greatly. Luckily I have books and hammers (F2P with no gold pass) to help out but my hero progress will eventually suffer while waiting for more books/hammers (or I'll just use saved gems) because I can't farm well here with them down
    • You need to go all out almost every attack so you have to wait around an hour between attacks unless you boost or gem.
    • Dropping out of legends is a huge pain, you basically have to not attack or only hit storages and wait to lose enough trophies on defense to drop below 4,900 trophies effectively making it impossible to farm for a while depending on how high up you are..

    You'll have to weigh things out yourself, like I said legends isn't for everyone but the majority of people I know that can make it up there and do the 8 attacks benefit greatly both in farming and becoming a skilled war attacker.

    submitted by /u/Tarlus
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    [humor] it really do be like that

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST

    [GUIDE] How to save money on every CoC purchase (including season pass) as well as receive Amazon Exclusive offers

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:03 AM PST

    So I came across these deals when I found this post by u/YuneshAdhikari, so credit to him. Not only are these deals really good, but this method also allows you to save up to 27% on EVERY purchase you make in Clash of Clans. Yes, this is a long guide, but it is actually fairly quick, because I included sections for each specific device, so you can skip the devices that don't apply to you.

    What is required:

    • Android device, Amazon Fire Tablet, or a computer (PC/Mac)

    • An Amazon Account (Amazon Prime not required)

    If you do not have an Android device (One Time Setup)(Android and Amazon Fire users can skip this step)

    On your PC, download Bluestacks emulator. Bluestacks is a popular Android emulator that allows you to run an emulated Android device on your computer. Once downloaded and installed, run Bluestacks. Once you are inside of your emulator, you need the Amazon Appstore. This app, while still active, seems to be evasive. Some people have had success going to the Google Play store and downloading it, however, I was not one of those people. If you can't find it on the Google Play Store, then you need to find a download for the APK of the app, and install it yourself. Here is a webpage you can download the APK from. The problem is, the download is in a ZIP folder, which you can't extract within Bluestacks. So, in order to install it, you need to visit the link on your computer's browser, outside of Bluestacks. Once you have downloaded the folder, extract it using your program of choice (Macs will extract it automatically, with Windows you need something like WinRAR or 7zip). Once you have extracted the APK to somewhere, you need to go back in Bluestacks, and go to the pre-installed app "Media Manager". Then go to "Import from PC/Mac" within the app, and navigate and choose the APK wherever you saved it. Once imported, open it, it will ask if you want to install, obviously you do. Once installed, open the app, and sign in with your Amazon account. Skip to the next applicable section.

    If you have an Android Device (Bluestacks and Amazon Fire users can skip this step)

    Delete Clash of Clans from your device (gasp). Don't worry, we will redownload it. Never mind, you can have both installed. Go to the Google Play Store and download and install the Amazon App Store. If you can't find it, then you may have to refer to the Bluestacks guide above for the APK link, and download and install that. Sign into your Amazon Account. Skip to the next applicable section.

    If you have an Amazon Fire tablet (Bluestacks and Android users can skip this step)

    Skip to the next applicable section.

    All Devices

    Using the Amazon App Store, download Clash of Clans. Open it up, and log into your account using your Supercell ID, and you will be greeted with the 3 great store offers I showed earlier. You can buy them as you'd like, or you can continue my guide to save even more money.

    Saving money on every purchase

    The beauty of the Amazon App Store is that by using Amazon Coins to make in app purchases, you actually save money. 1 Amazon Coin is equivalent to $0.01 of an in-app purchase, so 100 Amazon Coins is $1.00. You can also collect 3 Amazon Coins ($0.03) a day.

    Prices of Amazon Coins (In-App Purchase Value in Parenthesis):

    • 300 coins ($3) - $2.91

    • 500 coins ($5) - $4.75

    • 1000 coins ($10) - $9

    • 2,500 coins ($25) - $21.75

    • 5,000 coins ($50) - $42.50

    • 10,000 coins ($100) - $82

    • 50,000 coins ($500) - $400

    As you can see, the more you buy, the more to save, with the maximum savings being 20%. These coins can be used for all in-app purchases, including the Amazon Exclusive Deals, Special Deals, Gems, and the Season Pass. However, the Amazon App Store has another important benefit: You get 10% of your coins back for all purchases used with coins. So, for example, you can buy 10,000 coins for $82, and get $100 worth of in-game content. Once you spend your 10,000 coins, you will receive 10% back, or 1,000 coins, meaning you just got an extra $10 in purchases to use. When paired with the maximum discount of 20%, you can actually earn 27% off in-app purchases if you are buying your coins in bulk.

    Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions, and I will update this guide accordingly.

    submitted by /u/Dcarozza6
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    [HUMOR] y’all gotta chill like seriously it’s free stuff

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    [HUMOR]Ever had that feeling that time is endless?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:39 AM PST

    [Art] What’s your favorite? ��

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:07 PM PST


    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:28 AM PST

    [Humor] The Cold, Hard Truth...

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:19 PM PST

    [ASK]What do you think of my th4 base design.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

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