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    Friday, October 4, 2019

    Clash of Clans [GUIDE] Creating a th12 donation account (how to rush to th12 asap)

    Clash of Clans [GUIDE] Creating a th12 donation account (how to rush to th12 asap)

    [GUIDE] Creating a th12 donation account (how to rush to th12 asap)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:15 AM PDT

    Originally posted: https://clashguideswithdusk.net/2019/10/04/creating-a-donation-account-how-to-rush-to-th12-asap/

    I spent days writing this, so an upvote would be eternally grateful, even better if you read it from the link above. The entire text has been copy-pasted below so you can read it in its entirety.

    Rushing a TH12 account is crucial because only TH12 can donate and give siege machines. With proper troop upgrades, you can donate a lot of high level troops as well. Making an account like this is highly advantageous for the clan and you have a second account to donate to yourself directly as well, making it very convenient to farm and defend using cc troops.

    Not only that, rushing a high level account like this would be highly advantageous to your CWL efforts of your clan. If your clan has 15 players and no TH12, getting everyone to make a TH12 donation account would easily push you to Crystal 1-2 within 2-4 months, using your 15 rushed TH12 accounts, compared to remaining in Gold league if you don't have any TH12. Also, an account like this is easier to make than my suggested guides and infinitely easier than making a maxer account because you are skipping much more than what I usually prescribe. An account created this way can still max out TH12 within 18 months of starting, so there's no downside to creating this account.

    While my actual advice is to rush your current TH9-11 main account to TH12 and play from there. There is no disadvantage to doing so, but it seems like most maxers are squeamish when you ask them to rush their main account so that's why this guide is written to begin with. After playing with this rushed account for a while, you may even make this your main account instead of your original maxer "main" account because of the crazy progression speed and power you gain.

    The first thing to understand about rushing is: offense > resources > defense. Upgrade offense first because it generates loot, then focus on resources because they produce loot daily without any input from you. Finally, work on defenses because they are nothing more than decoration. For each TH level, focus on offense and building all new buildings then upgrade your TH. Doing so would allow you to become a TH12 within 2-3 months of starting the game. I would highlight what is the most important thing to upgrade and make the entire process painless. Furthermore, this account would be excellent in CWL and hopefully you would see that rushing doesn't hurt. This would get you to rush your main account as well so that you can contribute more to your clan and make yourself stronger while keeping the game fun.

    First things first when you start, I highly recommend buying the first two builder packs which allow you to have 4 builders right off the bat and 100 gems away from number 5. This would greatly hasten your journey and allow you to progress very quickly.

    I also recommend you to buy the season pass at TH7 so that you can cut down the time it takes to reach TH12. Even if you take the longer routes I recommend, it would only take you 2 months to reach TH12 if you buy the season pass.

    For the TH1-8 sections of the game, it would be highly similar to my written guides before, so please do read them:

    TH2-4 guide

    TH5-6 guide

    TH7-8 guide

    With 5 builders, it would only take you 2-3 weeks to reach TH9. This puts you on track to be a TH12 in another 2-3 months or so. Following my guide, you would have 200 army camp space, lvl5 barch, TH8 lab, spell factory and clan castle. You should also focus your efforts on only one barracks, making it higher level than the others so that you can train and upgrade high tier troops.

    The only deviation from the guides above might be to skip out on dark elixir drills at TH7-8 because their return of investment isn't that great on a donation account like this. Its optional and up to you whether you want to upgrade your DE drill.

    Now, on to TH9 and beyond. The main change here is that you will not focus much on heroes from here on out. Sure, you will upgrade heroes if you have the spare DE, but its not like my TH9-12 guides where I keep telling you to upgrade heroes again and again.


    TH9 upgrade priority guide:

    For TH9, I still think that you should upgrade your AQ a little bit because you have 5 builders anyway. You must have at least lvl1 AQ before you got to TH10, so keeping one builder to get her to lvl5 isn't a bad investment. My main guide would get you to TH10 in about 2-4 weeks, this list below would get you there in about 8 days.

    1. AQ lvl1-3 (1 day) > xbow (3 days) > army camp (2 days) > army camp (2 days)
    2. Lab (2 days) > town hall 10 (6 days)
    3. Spell factory (3.5 days) > AQ lvl4-5 (2 days) > elixir storage to max (2.25 days)
    4. New buildings (12 hours) > air sweeper (8 hours) > xbow (3 days) > gold storage to max (2.25 days) > DE storage lvl5 (2 days)
    5. Clan castle (2 days) > army camp (2 days) > army camp (2 days) > optional
    6. Lab: barbs (4 days) > arch (4 days) > upgrade lab while archers are cooking

    *New buildings are: New walls, archer tower, mortar, wizard tower, air defense, hidden tesla, lvl1 gold and elixir storage, lvl1-2 gold and elixir collector, new bomb, giant bomb and seeking air mine. It does not include your new air sweepers and new xbows.

    Optional upgrades include: (make sure to have this builder free for TH10)

    • Dark elixir drill. Upgrade these evenly as the return of investment is better for lower level drills (meaning upgrade all drills to lvl2 before upgrading one to lvl3)
    • Barracks. Only focus on your highest level barracks, the remaining barracks can be lvl2-4 and it won't matter. Doing so allows you to unlock high tier troops to upgrade and allows you to war effectively in TH10-12.
    • Archer queen.

    At TH9, I recommend saving your books for TH11 unless you have too many. If you must spend one to avoid wastage, you can use book of fighting for barb/arch or book of buildings on your highest level barracks.

    For TH9-12 base design, just use the Crows. You can copy my base design (manually) by looking at the base I was using. Read my journals for the base design


    TH10 upgrade priority upgrade:

    TH10 is a good place to stay for about a month if you wish to. If you are in desperate need of a TH12 for donation, or if you have good gold pass timing; then you may just stay here for 2 weeks. As your upgrade time increases, it is a good idea to stay a little while to work on offense and resource generation.

    (rush to TH11 asap)

    1. Lab (3 days) > inferno tower (4.5 days) > army camp (4 days) > optional
    2. Clan castle (6 days) > army camp (4 days) > optional
    3. All new buildings* (1 hour) > spell factory (6 days) > optional
    4. DE drill (8 hours) > bomb tower (1 day) > xbow (3 days) > town hall 11 (10 days)
    5. Inferno tower (4.5 days) > army camp (4 days) > army camp (4 days) > optional
    6. Lab: barb lvl7 (5 days) > arch lvl7 (5 days) > wall-breaker to lvl6 (5-12 days)

    *New buildings here include: new walls, new cannon, archer tower, new air bomb, new giant bomb, seeking air mine and skeleton trap. It does not include the new bomb tower, new xbow and new inferno tower.

    Once you're done with all key upgrades, you can work on your optional upgrades, these include:

    • Dark elixir drill, upgrade evenly
    • Barracks, focus on your highest level barracks to unlock miners
    • Dark barracks, same as regular barracks. Focus on one of these.
    • Dark spell factory
    • Dark elixir storage.
    • Archer queen
    • Barbarian king

    One-month TH10 plan:

    Following this path, it would be very similar to my main TH10 guide. The main difference here is that you will focus a little more on AQ so that you don't need to worry about her until TH12. Having a lvl5 AQ doesn't hurt either way, but the extra barracks, dark barracks and dark spell factory upgrades are helpful when you are a TH11/12.

    This path doesn't have to be one-month, you can cut it short to 3-4 weeks and upgrade whenever you feel ready or about 10 days before season bank rewards are dispersed.

    1. Archer queen. You probably can get her to lvl15-20 in this time frame
    2. Lab (3 days) > inferno (4.5 days) > army camp (4 days) > army camp (4 days) > bomb tower (1 day) > dark spell factory to lvl5 > optional
    3. Clan castle (6 days) > army camp (4 days) > army camp (4 days) > dark barracks to lvl7 > optional
    4. All new buildings (1 hour) > Spell factory (6 days) > xbow (3 days) > barracks to lvl12 > optional
    5. New DE drill (8 hours) > DE drills as high as possible (40+ days). You'll probably not finish this upgrade unless you use your other builders to help out.
    6. Lab: Barb (5 days) > arch (5 days) > wall-breaker to lvl6 (5-12 days) > balloon as high as possible

    Going this route, you can plan it such that you upgrade your town hall on the 22nd or 23rd of any month if you have the gold pass. Your town hall will need 8 days to complete, which coincides with the 1st of next month. This allows you to bring 25/25mil from the season bank rewards to help you with the TH11 upgrades. You can also start your TH upgrade on the last day of the season, then use a book of skip the 8 day waiting time and get the 25/25mil the same way.

    You can do it without the gold pass as well, while 5/5mil isn't as impactful, it is still helpful.


    TH11 upgrade priority guide:

    TH11 introduces the warden. In my long guide, you would stay in TH11 for 3 months to max out warden because TH12 is so weak that rushing there asap isn't advantageous. However, being a TH12 is paramount for a donation account so you don't need to max him for now and slowly work on him at TH12. The good thing is that you will unlock your war army at this level and it does not rely much on warden so you can be 80% functional with no heroes in war and CWL.

    As with the main guide, the first day of TH11 will be the most painful because of the 20mil elixir requirement, but it gets much easier from there. Maxing TH10 wouldn't make it any easier and wouldn't prepare you for anything here because all of these are new TH11 upgrades. If you really cannot afford the upgrades, skip warden for now and focus on other things. You will lose a few warden levels but that's fine in the grand scheme of things.

    Army camps are optional in TH11 because barch and warden are much more impactful and cost less. I would recommend using one builder (#2 recommended here) to upgrade your barracks to lvl13 so that you unlock electro dragons. If you manage to get some power potions, you can use electro drag to 2-3 star TH11/12 enemies in CWL. If your clan really needs you to step up for CWL, this is a good option. I would generally recommend saving up power potions and start doing CWL in your 3rd or 4th month.

    1. Grand warden always upgrading
    • He costs 8.5mil to buy and upgrade to lvl2, then another 3mil in another 12 hours. This will cost a ton but he gets much easier afterwards.
    1. Lab lvl9 (6 days) > Barracks lvl13 (8 days) > optional
    2. Clan castle (10 days) > Army camp (10 days)/ optional
    3. New buildings (3-6 hours) > Gold storage (3 days) > gold storage (3 days) > town hall lvl12 (14 days)
    4. New xbow (3days) or Archer queen > Eagle artillery (7 days) > optional
    5. Lab: Barb lvl8 (8 days) > Archers (8 days) > wall-breaker/balloons

    New buildings include: new walls, new cannon, new archer tower and new wizard tower. If you have extra gold ready, build the new tornado trap before the wizard tower, otherwise do it afterwards.

    If you want to stay at TH11 for longer, just go through the optional list below. You should upgrade to TH12 when this list is exhausted.

    Optional upgrades:

    1. Army camps
    2. Elixir storage
    3. Gold storage
    4. DE drills
    5. Dark barracks
    6. Barracks
    7. Tornado trap lvl2

    Following this recommendation, you will reach TH12 after just 20 days. This allows you to have a lvl10 warden which is decent. You can choose to skip him for now and at TH12 until you max out your army camps.


    TH12 upgrade priority guide:

    Finally, this is the final level you can rush to and your destination for now. Once you reach here, you will want to build your siege workshop asap because that is the entire point of this account. For my full TH12 guide, I don't recommend building it so early because it isn't a good upgrade for yourself, rather it is an upgrade for your clan.

    Lab is prioritized a little later because you cannot improve your farming by upgrading lab for now. Giga tesla is a highly valuable upgrade because it can stop most TH11 attempts on your base in CWL. Lvl5 giga tesla requires 12mil gold which might take a few gold storage upgrades or the gold pass discount. If you can afford that, you can also afford the clan castle upgrade which costs the same.

    1. Siege workshop lvl1 (6 days) > workshop lvl2 (8 days) > workshop lvl3 (10 days)
    2. Giga tesla lvl2-5 (you might need to do some gold storage upgrades before you can afford the last two upgrades) > Clan castle
    3. Grand warden to lvl10 if you have not done so > Barracks to lvl13 if you have not done so > Dark barracks to lvl8 if you have not done so > open-ended
    4. Gold storage (3 days) > lab (8 days) > open-ended
    5. Elixir storage (3 days) > Elixir storage (3 days)
    6. Lab (not upgraded): Electro lvl2 > balloons to lvl7 > wall-breakers to lvl7 > upgrade lab
    7. Lab (lvl 10): Electro to lvl3 > balloons to lvl8 > wall-breakers to lvl8 > open-ended

    Important open-ended upgrades:

    1. Army camps
    2. Gold storage
    3. Elixir storage
    4. DE drills
    5. Gold and elixir collectors
    6. DE storage
    7. Barracks
    8. Dark barracks
    9. Archer queen
    10. Grand warden

    Open-ended troop upgrades: This will depend on what you need for donations. Upgrade wall-wrecker and stone slammer if your clan is not lvl10. Ice golem and pekkas are good troops to upgrade so that you can donate them and they are really good war troops as well. For war efforts, you can upgrade rage and freeze spells to max for your electro drag attacks.

    TH12 is really easy because you have reached your end goal. Afterwards, keep working on offense, heroes and resources then finally spend one year on defenses and you'll be a maxed TH12. If you have the gold pass and diligent upgrading practices, you can max out this account in 15-18 months of starting it. Make sure you play the builder base as well so that you can unlock the OTTO builder as well.

    To supplement this guide, you might want to read my guide on "How to fix a rushed base" (work in progress) so that you have a guideline on what to focus on from this point on and how to max out your base in less than 18 months. And in fact, once you're done with most of the open-ended upgrades above, you can also just skip ahead and read my TH12 guide as well.

    submitted by /u/gctan8
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    [EVENT] Forum Elite is back! Don't wait, sign up today!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    First of all, I'd like to thank the Subreddit mods for allowing me to share about this event here!

    We're pleased to announce that Forum Elite is finally back since our last event in Dec 2017.

    If you're new here, the Forum Elite is a 10-day pushing event made for forumers, by forumers. The main objective is pushing, but it's also a chance for many people from this community to come together and just overall have a good time; whether that be sharing replays, getting a new personal best, or just meeting forumers in game for the first time, there's something to enjoy for everyone.

    Sign-ups: September 6th - October 5th

    Event: October 12th - 22nd

    {TLDR; to enter post your details on the supercell forum thread and then click here to join the discord server }

    IMPORTANT: Currently to sign up you have to be a forum member by a certain date. IF you are new to the forums and want to bypass that, please mention you are coming from Reddit in your post so that we know not to unlist you from our sign up sheet.

    Brief History of Forum Elite

    Years ago, before things such as clan wars and legends league, many people from this community would occasionally gather together in a clan by the name of DownToForum; the clan served as a place where forumers could socialize and overall just have a good time. In August 2013, Mufasa, a well-known member of the community, proposed an idea that was designed to give more purpose to this group. It was simple, people from the forums would gather together in one or two clans and push to the top of the leader boards. The clan's name: Forum Elite. Thus was born the start of a prominent event, immediately gaining a lot of traction from other forumers. It soon became an instant hit, with many community members asking when the next one would be. Eventually, Forum Elite II was planned, with the goal of being bigger and better than the last. Names such as zachUVA, Daddy, Ryan0412, and Stitch have paved the way in creating the format we still use today!

    Forum Elite has also seen many changes throughout the years. In recent affairs, things such as clouds and an overall decline in interest due to many other events have lowered the amount of sign ups we usually see. With that said, the rework of legends has allowed us to reinvigorate this event, with a shared purpose of bringing it back to the prominence it once had in this community.

    Great success has come at the top during these events as well. Below are some of the past achievements that have been accomplished from our clans:

    • Forum Elite I (Sept 2013) - Reached #60 in the world!
    • Forum Elite II (Feb 2014) - Reached #15 in the world!
    • Forum Elite III (Jul 2014) - Reached #15 in the world!
    • Forum Elite IV (Feb 2015) - Reached #25 in the world!
    • Forum Elite V (Nov 2015) - Reached #70 in the world!
    • Forum Elite VI (Dec 2017) - Reached #47 in the world!
    • Forum Elite VII (Oct 2019) - This year, we're aiming for the Top 50 in the world!

    Forum Elite Goals

    In addition to global ranks, the team has also come up with some more overall goals we want to see achieved at this year's event:

    • Top 50 Global Clan Rank
    • 100 New Personal Bests
    • 50 New Leagues
    • 5 Top 200 Global Players

    When is Forum Elite VII?

    Forum Elite VII is scheduled to take place Saturday, October 12th through Tuesday, October 22nd. There will be "soft openings" for the clans a couple of days prior to the events official start date: this means you can join early if you want to participate in a casual war or two and socialize with some forumers beforehand. NOTE THAT WE ARE STARTING THE EVENT VERY CLOSE TO THE END OF OCTOBER CWL, so if you want to join early please advise your clan leaders to spin sooner rather than later for CWL.

    The clans should start opening Wednesday October 9th, and the clan tags will be listed in the roster thread, so be on the lookout to join!

    How to Sign up?

    This event is open to anyone on the forums who have the desire and willingness to strive for their goals, both individually and as a community! You will be assigned to a starting clan at the beginning of the event and will be moved around based on your performance. Please follow the signup format below, as it is essential we get the information needed in order to correctly organize these clans:

    In-Game **Name:** example - Selttiks

    Player **Tag:** example - VL82J2PP

    *Clan **Name:** example - InFinite Legacy

    ***Clan Tag:** example - PJRLL8GG

    **Highest Trophies:** example - 4001

    *If not in a clan, just write N/A

    ***We WILL NOT be accepting any members who do not take the time to read this thread and follow this format correctly (just the info, you don't need to copy the table layout). Also note that there is no need to update your highest trophy count after originally signing up, as we will be reshuffling clans every two to three days based on individual performances.***

    We highly recommend that you start pushing well in advance from the start date of the event. Most pushes cap out at 4-6 weeks, so it's very important that everyone hits their high point during the event, and not afterwards. If you're a Legends player, just be ready to push at the start of the season.

    Sign ups will close at 12pm EST on Saturday, October 5th. This is to allocate enough time to get the roster out, and so that you'll know well in advance when and where to go for the event, along with other clan info and how the event will run during that week.

    Organizational Team

    As always, the turnout in helping to plan this was immense. The goal has always been to take this event to the next level and make it something really enjoyable and memorable for everyone. The staff, just like everyone else, will participate in the event clans. You might even find yourself in the same clan as some of the people that made this all possible. Our clan leaders will consist of various leveled players from the organization team (and long time friends of Forum Elite), so that this event can run smoothly and people can get to where they need to be.

    I personally want to give a huge shoutout to Deadnettle for her continuous work on leveling up the clans these past few months. Without her help, the push to get this going again would not have gotten nearly as much support as it did.

    The sign-ups will be managed by Tullsadum, and a full roster will be available a week before the official start of the event. The link to that thread will be placed here and at the top of this post.

    Advertisement for Forum Elite VII

    This event is made possible by the members of the forum family, and the support you give it. If you are planning to be apart of this event next month, you can help spread the word by wearing the awesome signature below made by DragonX101. This and all the other pictures in this thread were made by him; he was also kind enough to make a selection of signatures, so if you see him around, give him a rep as a way of acknowledging these masterpieces. Please link the signature picture below back to this thread so others can find info on this event.

    If you would like to stay updated on what's going on behind the scenes, and as a way of communicating outside the event, the people over at FESG are graciously letting us take over their Discord server for this event. Discord is free for both IOS and Android devices, and pretty much anywhere else with an internet connection. A special thanks to Sowad for his work on setting that up. If you want to join in, click the link here.


    Below are some commonly asked questions from forumers interested in this event. If something new comes up, I'll be sure to add it.

    1. Can any town hall level (or trophy count) join?

    Yes, anyone can join. However, note that we only have 4 clans, so in the event we get over somewhere between 180-200 sign ups, we'll have to put some people on a reserve list based on either trophy counts or when that person signed up. If that number is much higher (e.g. 300), we'll reconsider that limit. It's very unlikely that we'll run out of room, but it's factored in just in case.

    1. Can I join early?

    Yes, soft opening dates will start approximately 2-4 before the event officially begins. Exact dates will be provided in the roster thread.

    1. Can I bring multiple accounts to this event?

    Yes, 2 accounts maximum will be allowed. In the event we begin running out of room, we will ask that you remove one of your accounts from the event (ideally if any issues arise, we will try to take care of them before Forum Elite officially starts).

    1. What if I didn't sign up for the event? Can I still visit?

    Yes, we love visitors! We will try to keep a few clan spots open up until the last 2 days of the event. Note that stay times in any of our clans will be at the full discretion of those respective clan leaders, so please take that into consideration when joining (although they're all pretty relaxed about that stuff).

    1. Is there any place where I can get some behind the scenes action and talk more closely with the organizers before the event?

    Yes, in fact, there is! Click the link here, and it will bring you to the discord server we're currently doing a lot of our discussions in.

    1. Will there be a builder base push as well?

    The main focus of this event has always been to push as high as possible onto the leaderboards in the home village. Unfortunately, this means this event won't incorporate the builder base into the pushing aspect.

    6a. What about a builder base clan?

    Due to the above statement, no builder base clan will be made either.

    1. How will things be handled if this event interferes with other things (such as clan games)?

    We've picked the event dates based off the current pattern clan games have fallen under. However, we are not certain if these dates (22nd-28th) will continue over into October; more or less it is a guessing game to find the most optimal time. Hopefully, it doesn't vary too much, if at all, but if it does the leadership team will handle it then.

    submitted by /u/sowad9
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    [HUMOR] Stonks

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    [LEAGUE] Our clan tried a 30v30 CWL, seems like it wasn't a good idea.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    [HUMOR] every time

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    [GLITCH] i am usually not one to complain about bad AI, but this is just unfair

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    [GOAL] I'm they guy who maxed TH 2 a while ago. I have now maxed TH 3.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    [Bug] WHY, JUST WHY?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    [League] Although this isnt Vatang 2.0, it's pretty cool to say we beat one of the best clans in Clash Of Clans

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    [HUMOR] awesome clan name

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    [HUMOR]I draw 3 times in a row, what could get better

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    [HWYA] Max th12 don’t necessarily need a triple just want a solid 2.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    [Ask] Just went to TH8 from a maxed TH7, any tips?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    [GOAL] I don’t really know anyone that plays clash IRL, so I wanna share my accomplishment with you all! 5 years of grinding....

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] When you 2 star instead of 3 in CWL cause you’re half a second late on the freeze �� idk why I trusted the giant to tank longer

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    [ASK] October Update?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    My clan and I are getting antsy (in a good way!) for the coming update. Legend league is getting just a bit stale, but still challenging

    Can we compile a list of what we know so far?

    -we know that the next update is scheduled for this month from Darian's recent post

    -global chat is going away

    -th13 before January?

    submitted by /u/JasonTheHero
    [link] [comments]

    [HWYA] This is my mirror in cwl, I’m a max th10. Nothing in defending cc, just looking for a safe 2 stars

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    [HWYA] I am a new th11, 42AQ, 39BK, 10GW

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    [Humour] Where the Real News is At

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    [ASK] Feedback Requested

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    I just started playing today and am at TH3. Is it quicker/better to drop the shield and fight other players for gold/elixirs or should I keep the shield around for the 3 days?

    I have already upgraded my clan castle, so I can farm the req n go guilds.

    Thanks in advance for your response.

    submitted by /u/jimr381
    [link] [comments]

    [Ask] could y’all please join this server it’s to replace global once it’s no more

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    [GLITCH] almost done...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] who’s gonna tell him

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    [GOAL] Reached Titan 1 as TH10. At the time posting I'm at 4769. Legends League?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:00 PM PDT

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