• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Clash of Clans [Contest] WIN TWO TICKETS TO CLASH WORLD FINALS IN HAMBURG GERMANY! October 25-27! (Transportation and Hotel NOT provided) Two ways to enter to win, see details inside!

    Clash of Clans [Contest] WIN TWO TICKETS TO CLASH WORLD FINALS IN HAMBURG GERMANY! October 25-27! (Transportation and Hotel NOT provided) Two ways to enter to win, see details inside!

    [Contest] WIN TWO TICKETS TO CLASH WORLD FINALS IN HAMBURG GERMANY! October 25-27! (Transportation and Hotel NOT provided) Two ways to enter to win, see details inside!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    How to Win

    Two options:

    ONE. Write us a paragraph on why you should win and what attending would mean to you


    TWO. Dress up as your favorite clash of clans character. Paint your face, strap on a paper mask you drew in crayon, sit on a pig in a loincloth, put on a green shirt and a pink wig, or spend hours in your basement making the most realistic thing imaginable from leather and iron. Your choice! Just take a pic, upload it, and share the link!


    THREE. Both!

    Post your entry as a comment to this post no later than 7 pm Eastern (11 pm GMT), Saturday Oct 12.

    The subreddit will spend 24+ hours voting with a winner announced no later than 5 pm Eastern (9 pm GMT) Monday the 14th

    What is the Prize?

    You will win 2 Weekend Plus Tickets to the Clash of Clans World Final/DOTA2 tournament.

    The event is OCTOBER 25 - 27, 2019 at BARCLAYCARD ARENA in Hamburg Germany!

    These passes are valued at 99€ each and include

    • Access on all three days, October 25 - 27

    • Access to Dota 2 & Clash of Clans tournament

    • Free seating: upper & lower ranks

    • Public HHV transportation (within Hamburg) ticket included

    • Access to OPEN signing sessions

    • Free Clash of Clans figurines and merchandise

    • Inclusive Clash of Clans Baby Dragon figurine (18cm high!)

    • Plus attendee badge​​

    • Exclusive plus goodie bag

    The info to redeem the passes will be emailed to the winner and can be printed out.

    While there you can watch the event LIVE (and yes, you're allowed to check out the DOTA2 tournament as well). You may bump into your favorite players from the finalist teams, clash celebrities from YouTube, Twitter or the general interwebs (including a rogue reddit moderator or two) or supercell community managers. And don't forget, cool swag!

    Schedule, Qualifying Teams, and More info here


    1. You and your guest must both be 12+ years old. Minors that require accompaniment should plan to attend with an adult. You're free to invite anyone eligible as your guest.

    2. You must arrange any transportation required to get to Hamburg and your own accommodations and meals. The ticket includes access to public busing within Hamburg. (EU residents, this is a good contest for you!)

    3. While no one will check, you should plan to attend multiple days of the event.

    4. Please observe all other rules of the venue

    Not a contest winner but want to go anyway?

    If you can get to Hamburg, tickets are still available!

    Buy yours today! Multiple options available.

    If you can't get to Hamburg... stay tuned!

    We'll have lots of coverage right here on reddit during the event, and there will be streams available to watch from home!

    submitted by /u/DragonBard_Z
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    [Humor] Rip

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    [HIMB] TH8 Anti 3-Star

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    [Humor] Overkill

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    [Goal] Weeks of grinding, made it to Legend League!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    [MISC] Just found out that builder base had these awesome grass regrowing animations!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    [WAR] My clan will probably never ace again, but this makes me happy.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    [MISC] Spreading the message

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    [HUMOR] Simple solutions are the best ones

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    [HUMOR] We’ve all been here

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    [GUIDE] First-Timer: 6 months of CoC

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT


    I am the son-in-law of a max TH12. He is in a serious CWL. I needed to bond with my FIL and I knew he played CoC. I recently quit from a previous mobile game and needed an outlet for time, so Clash of Clans was a perfect fit. I am currently TH10 with 39/34 heroes, holding a DE rune and book, ready to get max queen if I ever felt like. I am upgrading to TH11 just for the queen and warden levels.

    Because my FIL was an active max TH12 and my clan was also very active, my journey/guide is very different than others.

    Some notes:

    I was never brought into CWL.

    I was always into regular wars because of my low war weight. My mirror was always three'd by someone above me who dipped down.

    My CC was always filled with max troops, with whatever I wanted (just say it in chat)

    Prioritizing donation upgrades was very important because it was the least I could do to contribute during war times.

    TH 1-6

    Looking back these TH were a total waste, I remember timing everything to be a "maxer" for about an hour before the TH finished upgrading. This made me feel cool but was sort of a waste. I tried variants like GiBarch or GoBarch but I couldn't upgrade my labs quick enough so I just stuck with Barch. All I did was Barch. I would definitely recommend rushing to...


    Shit gets real here. You have a hero, access to dragons and you can max the rage spell, the earliest donation contribution during war times. This was the most fun in the game I had. I felt invincible, and got my first 3 star in regular wars here. I felt like a real player contributing and not a moocher. Not only that, the season rewards opened up to me, and I could finally participate in Clan Games. All these benefits made me think TH1-6 were wasted time. I stayed here until I maxed my king, which is really quick because his level cap is 5. I was a max TH7 in about a month.


    TH8 is just a bigger TH7. I still used mass dragons and lightning is my favorite spell. I raided several times with just lightning, zapping the DE drills and moving on to the next base. I stayed here until I maxed my king, which is really easy because his level cap is 10.


    I spent two months here to max my queen. Because of that, I was nearly a max TH9 at the end (spring traps and collectors were all that was left) because of the hero upgrade timers. My queen and king were down 24/7 and I never regretted it. I got a lot of lab upgrades here and got to use Queen Walking towards the end. Lots of fun. I also got balloons to max donate level. TH9 Barbs and archers were good donation fills every now and again. Three stars are very common for my mirrors in the regular war. I remember not upgrading my collectors because with just raiding I was keeping all my builders busy. I had so much fun with dragons in TH7 and TH8 I used them here too. You just lightning the Air Defenses and balloon-haste the 3rd. The 4th is located on the deploy side, which makes it easy to take care of, especially with a filled CC. I dabbled with other comps (LavaLoon, Frozen Witch) but not to much success. I also rushed Builder Hall to 9 at this point, working towards OTTO.


    I spent one month here. I only had to do 10 levels on my queen which disappeared real quick. Because of the CWL I had a whole week dedicated to leveling my queen. I trophy pushed to masters and champions which gave me a ton of gems to put towards hero upgrade timers. Coupled with the books and season rewards, she got to 39 really quick. I am holding a book as I'm typing this because I'm not sure if I want to use it, or put her to sleep during CWL and use the book to get to 41. I upgraded all my elixir collectors here because I know TH11 is very elixir heavy. I also started upgrading several things that I didn't use for donations: Freeze, Bowlers, witches, and lava hounds were common requests. It was a pretty good DE sink too. I keep my king down 24/7 but my queen only levels up with books, which is exceptionally plentiful it seems like. I still used the same strategy: Queen Charge Dragloon with Lightning. I know it sounds very nooby, and it probably is. It's a very braindead attack that three stars any TH9 or below, plus it can three star any TH10 that doesn't have inferno towers. If I spent more time here I would have got miners and healing up to max, but my Queen leveled too fast. I also dropped to Bronze I and II to get my defense achievements up a little for more gems. All my BH9 loot goes towards OTTO requirements; I might get it at some point during TH11.


    Currently upgrading. I will probably be a "10.5" (I know that's not a thing anymore) until both my warden and queen are maxed. I've never had idle builders and that won't change at this TH either. This should help me get some of my defenses up again.


    I will probably upgrade to get here in 3 months.

    Other notes:

    The best use of BoB is: Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory, Barracks, Dark Barracks.

    I always held on to a BoH and only used it when another one presented itself in the trader shop. This let me to never cap my DE.

    There is no real use for gems except for hero timers, which is simply a more expensive substitute for BoH.

    submitted by /u/Baalhrezem
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    [RANT]One of the reasons global is being shut down

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    [LEAGUE] My Clan Got A Perfect 7/7 Sweep This Week.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    [GOAL] Sorry for the mini flex. 20 TH12v12 stars this CWL.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    [MISC] My walls are taller than anyone, China wall

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:46 AM PDT

    [Goal] Finally maxed BM!!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    [Goal] The end of the game

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    As a player who can't play casually, I played CoC at the max, at least the last 3 years.

    I managed to max a 12, to almost max a second one (130 lvl12 walls left to max), to max an 11 and a 10.

    I also did a one man clan project with 15 rushed TH9s in a clan, did SCCWL and clan games with them till I got the clan to lvl5.

    I didn't skip the BB, and have 6 builders on my twelves and my 11. Unfortunately, my 10 has lvl22 BM.

    I had my own clan, been a co-leader in several. An active one, doing recruitment, war planning, instructor to many newcomers. Built 3 discord servers for clans and ran them; successfully I believe.

    Played in SCCWL in numerous clans, managed to compete in Champion 1 on my twelves. I also played competitively in ICWL and participated in 5*5 ESL tournaments 3 times, getting to 9th round on our best shot.

    Out of all that, the hardest decision is to know when to quit. And this is the time for me. I have completely lost interest in the game, even though I have (had) a great clan and could join a lot of good clans in my country and international ones.

    So, with this message I would like to say farewell to the reddit CoC community.

    I personally believe that there is no correct way to play this game, as long as it pleases you. Maxing or rushing; both are perfectly fine. I tried both.

    New redditors, probably you won't read this, but never ask if it's a good time to upgrade. It's always a good time, as long as you are bored on your TH level. If you were rushed, you will recover on the next level. If not, you will recover faster from your rushing.

    Old redditors, probably you will read this, but you will ignore me. I say it anyway: people coming here to ask a question, are not obliged to read a ton of posts before asking. So, when someone comes to complain about unfair CWL matchmaking, he honestly believes there is some kind of matchmaking. Explain him how the thing works, or just ignore the post. No reason to make him regret he ever posted. A healthy community is one with many members, even members like ghassssan ffs.

    So, farewell to all and good luck to the mods. I 've been a forum moderator on a MMO game for 2 years, and I know the pain. Cheers

    submitted by /u/vassdel
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    [Misc] Upgrading walls before defences does this give an advantage as a new th11

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    I was just thinking would it be easier as a new th11 to start upgrading walls before defences because you wont get matched against as hard opponents whilst my troops are still th10 lvl. Just putting it out there if anyone knows better please tell me and if it's a good idea.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Me1611
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    [MISC] Should I hop back into CoC?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    I left CoC probably 3 years ago, I'm about a max TH9 but I've been playing Clash Royale since it came out. I'm heated about them destroying the witch and I'm leaving Clash Royale and looking for a new game to get into. Is it worth coming back to CoC or a waste of time?

    submitted by /u/ProphetBagley
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    [MISC] Hey Guys, this is the best way to protect your town hall not a scam.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    [Humor] 3 star warriors

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    [HYWA] Best strategy to attack this kind of base? I’m a TH10 with mostly max troops (not miners, valks, golems, bats, freeze)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    [Misc] When you literally CANNOT do a task because you are sitting on 30 million elixir.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

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